EXILR 2021 By E-Cell Of Rajdhani College Is Sure To Be An Incredible Entrepreneurial Extravaganza

EXILR 2021


The Entrepreneurship Cell of Rajdhani College, University of Delhi is back again with its annual mega event EXILR 2021 on 5th and 6th March 2021 which includes E-Summit and competitions.

The event is all about developing entrepreneurial related skills amongst the students.

A panel of some of the distinguished industry leaders, with Social Media stars, YouTube sensations, stand-up performances, and exciting competitions lined up for you all!

These panel members for E-SUMMIT are:

1. Dr. Krishnamurthy Subramanian (Chief Economic Adviser to the Government of India)

2. Mr. Saurabh Jain (Vice President of Paytm)

3. Mr. Anil Bhasin (ex-President of Havells India)

4. Ms. Aditi Gupta (Indian Author and Co-founder of Menstrupedia Comic)

5. Ms.Neha Nagar (CEO and Founder of Taxationhelp)

6. Host for the event, Digital Gandhi:- 18x TEDx speaker and the host of the event

7. Ms. Anika Vidyarthi (Singer and influencer)

8. Appurv Gupta aka GUPTA JI ( Standup comedian)

Platform:- Zoom meeting

Meeting link – https://zoom.us/j/96151521634?pwd=WHYxdjhKMlVERlViZkFoQjRkaUtrZz09

Meeting ID- 961 5152 1634

Meeting password- 551384

Catch them live to experience the incredible entrepreneurial extravaganza!

The online event will be two-fold:

5th March 2021- Day 1 will comprise of:-

  1. The national E-summit with a panel of 7-8 speakers from 11:30 am onwards.

2) An inter-college Case Study competition (The Great Getaway) from 5 pm onwards.

6th March 2021 – Day 2 will comprises of:-

1) An inter-college B-plan competition (The Perfect Pitch) at 12 pm.

2) Inter-college competition:- Brand-o-Buzz at 5 pm.

What are you waiting for?!

Go register yourself through the link:-


Prize money for the competitions is ₹5,00,000 including a cash prize of ₹15,000.

E- certificates will be given to all the participants.

ED is proud to be their blog partner.

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