7 Things We Dog-Owners Live With (BARK!)


Ever wondered why your dog gets up seconds before you? Stands there wagging his tail, droopiness in his eyes and then bolts towards you the moment you blink, just to slobber all over your face? Ever wondered why without seeing their cheerful face in the morning, your day just cannot begin? Or wondering how can such a cute little thing be all bent-up funny and pull off the most hilarious memories of your life? Too much ‘wondering’? Well, let me br-br-break it down for you (gotta love Superwoman!) – From personal experience that is. 28    When you bring your one month old pup home, the first thing that they basically do, and there is NO denying it, is POOP, poop here, poop there, poop everywhere! Maybe it’s like a pre-set notion in their puny brains: Enter New House. Excrete. Meet new family. Excrete. See new bed. Excrete. Anyways, moving on… the beauty about animals, is that, unlike helpless homo-sapien off-springs, these ones can walk all over the place just within a few weeks of being born, creating havoc in our lives. With razor sharp teeth and a never seizing sense of smell, your pooches will give you run for your money! One thing, I’m sure you all notice is that, dogs grow with you:

1.They follow your every move. http---makeagif.com--media-7-25-2014-lXF9CY2.  They pick up on your odd habits. writing.prompt.dogs_.playing.poker-1wkiofe3. You have arachnophobia, well, so do they. 48  4. You love Damon Salvatore? They’ll give you Damon Salvatore. 435. You used to hate bath time (some still do, yeah, I’m talking to you, you smelly teenage boy with baggy pants and inside-out underwear), well they do too. Human-Gives-Husky-a-Bath-Y-U-Do-This-Meme6. Having said all that, dogs, besides being the obvious best friend to a man, it seems like when you talk to them, stare into their eyes, all you worries vanish and all your questions are answered. Usually, dogs since they are little will adapt themselves to your lifestyle, if it’s too hot, they want the AC, if it’s too cold, they want your quilt. When it rains they avoid it and when it doesn’t they suddenly grow a 10 metre long tongue. Sometimes, it’s odd, but they do start looking like their companions… 101 Dalmatians, you were doing it right! 101-dalmatians-owners-and-dogs7. Growing up, I’ve always had a dog, when I was a new born; my parents used to leave me alone with our 8-month-old Alsatian. When I started crawling, I made life a living hell for him, went under the bed with him, pulled on his ears, ate what he ate, shoved my hand down his throat unafraid of his teeth, squeezed his nose, poked his eyes, stepped on his tail and sometimes even bit him! I don’t know how I did it, but it was done. And in return, he just treated me with utmost patience and compassion. So, my bond grew so strong with him that the very first word I ever said was not mom, dad, grandpa etc, but Haider! Yes, in a room full of people awaiting their name to be called out, a one year old me just looked into that huge fur ball’s eyes and said his name. It’s weird how these feline creatures have a way with babies; they just know that babies have to be protected, have to be nurtured and  their diapers have to be changed (ain’t no dog gonna smell that!) baby-guard-dogs   As you grow up, you start to realize and cherish their presence, though it’s heart-breaking to know that they will occupy only a few years of your life, but in those set years, they leave behind so many memories that it’s hard to accommodate them in a few pictures. And mind you, you will never get a better fly-swatter than them; they not only eat flies but in-still a sense of impending doom in other flying-things! *evil laugh* it goes like “you touch my human, I end your 24-hour long life!” and then starts world war 47 *sigh*. Having said all that, but not much because most you god lovers know what it’s like to have a dog and don’t need to read up on it, all you first-time dog adopters, just one thing, try bringing home a dog from the shelter, give it a loving home it so deserves… human-barks-dogs-452769


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