HomeLifestyleMe And My Friends Crashed A Wedding Recently, Here's How We Did...

Me And My Friends Crashed A Wedding Recently, Here’s How We Did It


The much awaited and the much dreaded by some though, ‘the wedding season’ is back. Weddings of the most eligible brothers, sisters, cousins with all the fancy clothes, destinations and yes the best of all the ‘sumptuous food’ including a plethora of the best cuisines from India and around the world.

Is it not sounding tempting already?

Sanjay D Gohil

Yes, amidst all the celebrations and happiness and amongst a gathering of 500 guests if eight or ten people are added here and there ‘illegally’, it would not really make much of a difference. Right?

So in the course of all these thoughts housing our sharp brains, I along with my ‘not so adventurous’ friends decided to crash a wedding…

All it takes is looking immaculate in the perfect wedding attire with a huge smile and probably an empty ‘shagun’ envelope in our hands. And voila! We are ready to go.

We reached an area where there were about five ‘pandals’ in a row. Let us choose the most grand and pretty one, blurted out one of my friends. There we were looking around them as a group of detectives were out to solve a murder mystery. Choosing the best out of the lot, we stood there and made a strategy of entering in small groups.

We entered with our beautiful faces and some of us even greeted the people around with a ‘namaste’. What next? Time to attack on the buffet of 1000 dishes, what else?

The Italian lovers could be seen with the wood fired pizzas and at the pasta counter. The ‘chaat chatters’ were seen with tikkis and golgappas. And yet others amongst us were having a gala time with the Punjabi numbers and almost dancing around with all the food, desserts and drinks, yeah we all know how big fat Indian weddings are, without even a single dish left out, treating our taste palettes in the best way possible.


Yeah! And not to forget the picture we got clicked at the end of it by somebody who was obviously ‘legally’ invited as a guest at the wedding. And just to add a little more ‘tadka‘ to our experience already filled with all the spices (literally too), while we were coming out, we could see the bride’s parents bidding farewell to the guests, so here came another challenge for the detectives to ‘strategize’ , but alls well that ends well, we all finally made our way out, happy and content with our hungry stomachs full.

Yes, their wedding, A weds S (not disclosing the name for privity sake you know). But it will surely be etched in all our hearts forever maybe to further tell our kids one day that their parents attended a wedding with the feelings that never occurred even for any other wedding… best wishes to ‘A’ and ‘S’ for a wonderful life together in the future.




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