First cigarettes, then alcohol and now weed. The trend amongst youth changes faster than India’s foreign policies. Much to my dismay, the latest fad among youth is smoking pot.
Earlier getting high meant to drink a lot, but nowadays, drinking alcohol is so old fashioned.
Marijuana smoke contains 50% to 70% more cancer-causing substances than tobacco smoke. One major research study reported that a single cannabis joint could cause as much damage to the lungs as up to five regular cigarettes smoked one after another.
Reasons Given By People in Support of Marijuana:
A lot of people defend marijuana. The reasons may or may not seem foolish to you depending upon your rational mind. The most common defences people quote are:
- It relieves tension and stress after a hard day at work (so does sleep though)
- It heightens the imagination and creativity in your mind (so does reading good books)
- It helps you think “outside the box” (so do quizzes)
- It may help regulate blood sugar level (“MAY”)
Transient Enjoyment, Suffering for life:
The harmful effects of smoking marijuana are:
- Red eye. Needless to say this as it has become the symbol for showing the “high” state
- Use of weed before the birth of a child may result in birth defects or abnormalities
- It changes the structure of sperm cells. That is, it can cause temporary sterility among men
- Heavy marijuana use can lead to brain abnormalities
- Smoking weed can lead to bronchitis
- It causes stinging or burning effect in your throat which makes it easy for the body to vomit
Resolution? Ask Mukesh
The question is that how can the youth be made aware in a positive sense regarding the negative sides of drugs. If compulsorily showing a video of Mukesh’s struggle till death did not encourage them to quit smoking, then what other technique can be used? Tell us if you have one.
Smoking weed has more drawbacks than benefits.
If you think smoking pot is cool and fun then you are mistaken because for an hour long enthusiasm you are ruining your future and your money.
Be rational. Think wisely.