Paramahamsa Vishwananda also known as the “Revolutionary Guru” is the founder of International Spiritual Organisation, Bhakti Marga. 

Paramahamsa Vishwananda , otherwise known as Guruji with his natural charisma and immense wisdom  has caught the attention of many devotees across the world and there are many who agree to his philosophy and preachings. 

Guruji has a divine nature and since birth many miracles naturally occur around him and to his devotees. He is here to help humanity rise past their own limiting minds and learn to  love unconditionally – JUST LOVE! He comes to remind us that we are a part of God and we are here to realise our own divinity and by serving God and establishing our own unique  loving relationship with him.  

His personal mission is to ‘open the hearts of humanity.’ He does this by tirelessly traveling the world to awaken love and devotion of the Divine through personal blessings, spiritual talks, devotional singing, wisdom discourses and pilgrimages to holy sites. 

His Bhakti Marga mission is head-quartered just outside of Frankfurt Germany, in a large ashram accommodating more than 100 permanent residents and hundreds more guests during celebrations of Hindu festivals. Residents and guests of the ashram come from all over Europe and beyond to honour all the forms of God in chanting, kirtan and puja rituals. There are Bhakti Marga ashrams in many other countries including the United States, Brazil, South Africa, Mauritius and, of course, India.

Here Guruji speaks about spirituality, Moksha and the significance of reciting the Divine names. 

  1. How does it feel to spend time at Vrindavan?

Firstly India is like home for me. I obviously cannot say Germany is not because I live in Germany and it is a wonderful country also. Whenever I visit Vrindavan it always feels like home. You are more relaxed and it is very comfortable so that is “Mother India for you.”

  1. You have an ashram at Vrindavan right now. Do you look at expanding it?

Yes ! We have just purchased a piece of land at Pandarapur (lord Vittal’s place). We are planning an ashram there. Of course the current ashram at Vrindavan is expanding and growing rapidly on its own.

  1. What is spirituality according to you? How do you define it?

Spirituality according to me is beyond the mind. As long as our minds are clinging to the wings, we are definitely not spiritual. We could use the term spiritual but our mind is always creating a huge obstacle. There is no barrier or limitation in spirituality.

  1. How do you think one can attain salvation/moksha?

I tell my devotees not to ever ask or aim for Moksha. We are on the Bhakti Path, meaning we are here to love and serve God and build out personal relationship with him. Even wanting Moksha is wanting something from him wherein we should only love God for the sake of Loving him. 

Without love there is no salvation. In life we do everything with love. As soon as a child is born, the first thing the doctor does is to place the child on the mother’s chest. That is the first feeling of love we receive from our mother. Thus! If you want to attain the Lord – it is through “Love, Bhakti and Prem.” He only wants our Love, but mostly we focus on ourselves and not on him.

  1. How does reciting the Divine names help ?

Reciting the Divine names attunes your whole being to its powerful vibration and allows divine qualities to awaken. Choose one mantra and start chanting it. I suggest “Om Namo Narayanaya.”

Decide on a time to chant it every day and commit to chatting your mantra.

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