HomeED OriginalsReviews“Everyone Matters”: The Dan Trinidad Story

“Everyone Matters”: The Dan Trinidad Story


Founding Partners Mortgage in 1988, Dan Trinidad knew that he wanted to create a company where people wanted to be and loved to work. Dan had grown up wanting to be a professional athlete, this drive to become a professional athlete made him excel in everything he tried, so although his professional baseball dreams did not pan out in college, he used that drive and channeled it into his job as a loan officer. From this vantage point, he was able to survey the state of mortgage companies across the country and he didn’t like what he saw. Dan explains, “The reputations of mortgage brokers in the 80s were not very good; very few stood out. I felt that I could build a better mortgage company.”

With the guiding principle “Everyone Matters,” Partners Mortgage grew quickly. In 1995, Dan and his team developed a mortgage bank and under Dan’s leadership, Partners Mortgage has become one of the most respected mortgage companies in the industry today. Reflecting on the start of his business, Dan says, “Our mission was to deliver a “Wow!” customer experience then, and it still is today. We’ve managed to maintain an excellent reputation for over 32 years.” 

Even still, Dan has faced many challenges along the way. In 2008, his wife of 23 years was diagnosed with Leukemia and passed away a short 6 weeks later. 2008 also brought the challenges of the great recession and collapse of the economy that put 80% of mortgage companies out of business. Dan credits his lasting success and perseverance to his philosophy of interrelatedness and fulfillment. “Personal well-being is at the center of leadership and is what makes life sustainable. I want to help leaders and all people live better lives.

Dan continues, “I want to help leaders be better leaders by working on their inner self. Great leaders strive to improve all areas of the lives of the people that follow. That’s well-being: the integrated leader. The whole leader.”

To that end, Dan plans to continue growing the team at Partners Mortgage while also building his personal brand by helping leaders build teams, branches, and companies. His podcast series, Beyond Mortgage, is one way he plans to accomplish this goal. Inspired by his own experiences in life and business, Dan is using his platform to educate real estate and mortgage professionals on how they can achieve success. “Having survived great loss as well as great success, I’m able to lead and motivate others in a way I could not when I was younger,” he says. 

However, from the first day of his career, Dan’s message has never changed: “Everyone is important, everyone contributes, everyone benefits, and everyone matters.”

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