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HomeFinanceEkalavya Hansaj Explains 7 Characteristics That Top Advertisers Have In Common 

Ekalavya Hansaj Explains 7 Characteristics That Top Advertisers Have In Common 


When I started my advertising business in 2010 at the age of 20, I had no idea that my tough upbringing in India would one day benefit me. Waking early every morning and working 20 to 22 hours per day without a vacation for several years was the norm for me. (Never did I think it was going to make me a millionaire.) I thought everyone was like me: driven, self-motivated, and eager to get out of poverty.

As Quarterly Global began to grow, and I started working with more and more of the world’s rich and famous, I had to scale my advertising business and employ several staff members. To my great surprise, very few were willing to go the extra mile or work more than 6-8 hours a day. It soon became clear to me that there was a tremendous difference between my work ethic and that of those who were happy just to cash a salary cheque each month.

As my circle of association widened, I met countless other advertising CEOs who also raked in multi-millions in revenue each year. I soon noticed we all had several characteristics in common, which I believe are what help us stay at the top of our game and continue growing our advertising empires.

Top 7 Characteristics

#7 – They are Bold, Decisive Leaders

Advertisers at the top of their game know when to take a calculated risk and don’t falter because they fear it might fail.  To reach greater heights, they must be able to take the initiative and make the big and bold decisions.

#6 – They are Highly Adaptable

Being adaptable is a trait that does not always come naturally, and some must learn to be adaptable over time. Being able to adapt to any situation and challenge is what sets top advertisers above the rest.

#5 – They Never Stop Learning & Studying

Most advertising millionaires are obsessed with learning about business trends, new technologies, and ways to better themselves and their companies. Learning something new each day is one of my personal goals, and I have found this to be a good way to advance not only myself but also my business ventures.

#4 – They Wake Up Early & Work Longer Hours

You cannot expect to become the best advertising group if you are comfortable working the usual 9 to 5. Even in my spare time, I learn, problem-solve, or brainstorm ideas. A growing company that is just starting to take off in the field needs even more time and effort from you. But do not think you can sleep late and slack off when you are established in the field, either. Once you are at the top, you have to work hard to keep your company there. The industry is constantly growing and evolving.

#3 – They Have a Thick Skin

Hearing negative or less positive feedback can be hard on your motivation, but with time, it becomes easier to hear what others have to say. Taking the feedback and analyzing it gives you new ideas. (Even if you do adopt every idea suggested, it is good to learn as much as you can from your mistakes and others’ feedback.) 

#2 – They Don’t Listen to the Naysayers

One of the mistakes I made, and the only one I would want to change, was allowing people’s negativity and doubt to alter the way I saw myself. Being told I was “too young” and it was “too early” made me self-defeatist and delayed my ambitions by several years. If you are ready, go for your dreams – do not let someone stop you from reaching your potential because they are too afraid to reach theirs. 

#1 – They Always Focus on the Numbers First

“Numbers don’t lie,” to quote the iconic phrase by Max Holloway. The best option, when in a leadership position, is to remain pragmatic and rational and keep track of your numbers. Daily.

Whether you are just starting out in advertising or want to grow your existing business into a multi-million-dollar empire, there are certain characteristics that all successful people have in common. It’s crucial to understand that success takes sacrifice, and every million you gain will require something in return.


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