We all are aware of beer, perhaps it was the first alcoholic beverage that many of us ever had.

Whether with our seniors during the first year of college, or hiding behind some wall while giggling with cousins, marvelling at us doing such grown-up things.

Now, it might just be a casual beverage, that we often have while chilling with friends and just having a good time, without wanting to get sloshed that vodka, whisky, and other hard alcohols can make us be.

However, how many of us know the difference between the various types of beer? Who here even knows that there are a number of different types of beer that exist and can vary a lot in terms of taste?

#1. Dry Beer

Dry beer first of all does not mean that there is no water content in it or that it is in other forms besides liquid.

Dry here refers to the low level of residual sugar in beers which is consumed by the yeast while fermenting. Basically, the more bitter a beer is the dryer it is.

Dry beers are also associated with a straw colour and are said to be light-bodied with a crisp and refreshing feel in the mouth. Examples of dry beer include Budweiser, Asahi Super Dry, Guinness, etc.

They are said to be preferred ice-cold during the summer weather in order to cool down the body. It is also important to know that draught and dry are used synonymously. So if you see a ‘draught beer’ it’s the same as a dry beer.

#2. Regular Beer

There is actually a lot of debate and discussion over whether to go for a regular beer or light beer, seeing how the latter is advertised as being a healthier option.

The difference between a regular and light beer is that of the carbs and calorie count. Where a light beer has 110 calories, regular beer is said to have 150. Same for the carbs, light has 5 grams while a regular has 13 grams.

One other major difference between regular and light is that regular beer has a higher alcohol content and a fuller flavour as compared to light beers.

Regular beers are full-bodied whereas light is considerably watered down and thus don’t have much of a taste to them.

Some examples of regular beer are Heineken, Guinness, Corona, etc. A lot of beer experts also believe that it is better to have a regular beer since it allows one to actually taste the flavour and also controls how much one is drinking.

If one is drinking more than one beer, then it is suggested to have a glass of water in between instead of going for a light one.

Read More: Millennial Drinking Trends That Are Changing The World Of Alcohol Who Are More Experimentative Than Other Gens

#3. Craft Beer

There is a growing consumer base for craft beers, who are willing to spend just a little extra to swerve away from mass-produced beers to actually get something good in quality.

Where regular or light beers are known to come from some of the biggest brands, they are also known for not having much of a flavour to them.

This is something that most beer enthusiasts do not like, and exactly the thing that craft beer offers them. Taste and good quality.

Craft beer are usually produced by small and up-coming breweries with some of the best ingredients, with the main being just 4, that is, water, malted barley, yeast, and hops.

Craft beers are known for their richness that regular beers lack, and a creamy taste due to the hops.

Craft beers are also brewed by the owners of the brand themselves, most of the time, with emphasis being put on quality over quantity.

You will usually see craft beer being served in particular glasses with them being released at a specific temperature. They also have a higher alcohol content of almost 5-10% and not just that, but they are considered a healthier option too.

Craft beers have antioxidants, vitamins (like B3), brewers yeast some of which can help in bringing down cholesterol and heart diseases.

It has even been put at the same level as red wine which is considered to be extremely good for one’s health. Some examples of craft beer would include Bira 91 White Ale, White Rhino Lager, Dorado- Dry Hopped Pale Ale and more.

#4. Japanese Beer

It should also be noticed that Japanese craft beer is making a sudden rise in popularity. Where before mostly European or certain big Japanese brands had dominated their market, the smaller craft beers are getting noticed now.

Japanese beers are often quite bitter being on the lager side, which means they are produced and fermented at a low temperature and for a longer duration.

It should also be noticed that Japanese beers have more foam, not only is it a cultural thing where Japanese people believe more foam means better taste, but the foam creates a barrier between the beer and oxygen preventing it from losing taste.

So, what do you think? Did this help? Are you going to be more aware next time you order a beer? Tell us your experience and let us know if we missed out on any particular type of beer, in the comments below.

Image Credits: Google

Sources: Beer It’s Beautiful, Fooducate, Medium

Find the blogger @chirali_08

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