Here Are Some Weird Yet Wacky Restaurants Of The World


By Medha Malaviya

There is only one thing that transcends all boundaries and connects souls. For broken body, mind and soul food is nothing less than medicine. This fastest growing industry is adapting new and ‘unbelievable’ methods to attract more money.

We have compiled 7 such weird places of worship if you consider food is your God.

1. Toilet Restaurant, Taiwan

Here, food is served in plates designed like toilet seat. Chairs, wall hangings, tables are all toilet style and your chocolate ice cream takes the shape of… you know. The best part probably is that you need not search for a loo.

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2. Prison Restaurant, Italy

A bit too extreme in it’s decor and mood, feeding id forced too at times to give you the feel of a prisoner. Props like handcuffs, iron bars are often used by the hotel to provide authenticity.  Hotels with similar theme have now been opened in China and USA as well.

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3. Robot Restaurant, Japan

Established by twins who married twins and gave birth to twins each, this hotel is run by people looking similar in all respects. To make believe, the owners have similar vocals and talk the same. The dialogues are rehearsed so that no one can figure out the difference but if you do then food is free here.

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4. Grave Restaurant, India

Situated in Ahmedabad the owner believes that these graves bring him good luck. The restaurant has been in operation for almost 40 years and the graves much before that because no one knows who the graves belong to.


5. Tree-house Restaurant, New Zealand

Built around a redwood tree near Auckland, New Zealand, the Yellow Tree-house Cafe will fulfill all of your fantasies about tree. The cafe is no longer open for dinner but can be rented for private parties. Have an experience of natural food and ambiance here.

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6. Mars Restaurant, USA

How is life on Mars? What is food on Mars like? If you need to know just walk into this restaurant where you will be welcomed by friendly Martians who will guide hungry humans from earth to the red planet and it’s delicacies. These include Seafood Platter, Seafood Platter sea scallops, shrimp, squid, clams with seafood sauce. Martians truly love tranquil sea food.

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7. Ninja Ninja, USA

Adopting the oriental culture and taking it a notch higher, the restaurant is gives you the feel of a ninja school. It is always dark and waiters are dressed as Ninja’s. Food is served is brass plates and the chef can often been seen chopping vegetables with a sword.

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Consuming food in such environment can give you either chills or thrills and that is up to you decide. But experiencing is foremost so spend some more and have an experience of a lifetime.

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