Tuesday, February 18, 2025
HomeSocial OpinionsWe Are Such Hypocrites: Have Time To Like HONY But Not Do...

We Are Such Hypocrites: Have Time To Like HONY But Not Do Enough When It Comes To It


Not too long ago, the news of TV actor Karan Patel refusing to shoot a song in the ‘rain’ to avoid any wastage of water all but flooded social media, drawing him tremendous praise from everywhere (except, maybe, the screenwriter of Ye Hain Mohabbatein). People said things like, great to see a TV star actually setting an example for the masses.

Then, there is another kind of people. It mainly consists of the very wealthy, whose wealth is either hard-earned or hard-laundered. This kind is usually heavily flamboyant and is fond of finding ways to display the money, like flying down two thousand guests to a 15 crore wedding for one’s daughter.

And then, there’s a third kind to this list of kinds. People from this category are ideologically akin to Karan Patel and the like but are actually more on the other side.

These people can’t stop ranting about being taxpayers whose money is misused by the team of corrupts at the helm of political affairs (and by the “rowdies at JNU”, LOL). Some of these people also prefer giving and receiving cash sans any receipt, so as to evade taxes.

I am astonished by the levels of hypocrisy out on display when it comes to social responsibility. Everyone is up for pointing it out but there are few takers.


Everyone would talk about MS Dhoni sinning by getting himself a swimming pool in times of a diminishing water table and the same people would let endless amounts of water flow out on the road.

At this point, why must I forget the case of every dowry demand ever made by the family of an IITian/IAS officer/chauvinist/person with extremely high self-worth? Hey, why would you want any dowry if you are professionally that capable? Because you were failed by your education. That’s why.

Where did our education go wrong?

Maybe it only taught us enough to feel for everyone covered on Humans of New York and press the button for the “angry” Facebook reaction for every atrocity talked about by The Logical Indian.

Or maybe, it just taught us “life hacks” so we could turn our backs onto social responsibilities, citing “got no time from my job to ensure a tree right next to my house is not cut” or simply, “Mujhe kya milega?”

Mujhe kya milega?” Why, don’t tell me you’re even rooting for Donald Trump because even if he wins, aapka kya jaayega (unless of course you harbour the Amreekan dream).




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