Watch: India’s Own ‘911’ All-In-One Emergency Number Will Launch Soon


In scenarios of increasing rate of sexual abuse, crimes against women and accidents of various sorts, Government of India has taken up the initiative to enhance the efficiency of Emergency Speed Dial in India.

Similar to the ‘911’ Emergency Calling System in USA, India has introduced an all-in-one ‘112’ Emergency Dial in 14 States. 

‘112’ Emergency can be used for various kinds of Emergency, like fire, health, etc.

The single emergency number is brought by the Emergency Response Support System (ERSS), which is a consolidation of police (100), fire (101), health (108), and women (1090) helpline numbers.

Watch the video to know how the ‘112’ Emergency Dial works and how it can help you in numerous ways.

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The Central Government has allotted Rs. 321.69 Crore to the states and UTs as part of the ‘Nirbhaya Scheme‘.

The Home Ministry has chosen the Center for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) as a total service provider for the project.

Single Emergency Dial Number will be gradually set up all over India.

Image Sources: Google Images

Sources: Economic Times, Times Of India, Money Control

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