Third Time’s A Charm: House of Cards


To everybody who has been feeling overtly morally policed nowadays, this one is a respite for you. Television’s favourite hedonists are returning on February 27th to your computer screens…….and this time, they’re leading the free world.

For those of you who’ve been living under a rock (or been hit by one, repeatedly), the mind boggling scheming by then Vice-President Frank and his equally diabolical missus, Claire Underwood, had rocketed them both to the White House by the end of season 2. The trailer begins as Season 2 had ended, with President Underwood doing his signature double knock on his desk in the Oval Office.


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Saat janam ka rishtha-  Not that atoot

Mr. and Mrs. Underwood have always been partners-in-crime, and now that the stakes have upped so spectacularly, they clearly need to keep their heads in the game. And they look like they’re in top form when we see the First Lady lovingly adjust her husband’s bow tie.

But not everything is rainbows and sunshine as we later see then sharing a limo ride with an extremely LARGE distance in between. Somebody is feeling the cold (vibes).



Information from the episodes leaked recently discloses a new job opportunity for Claire besides handling the mantle of the First Lady: the United Nations.

Diplohmacy and pawlitics

Before you question my spelling prowess, this is my attempt to replicate Kevin Spacey’s delicious Southern accent in writing. And as tid-bits from interviews have revealed that this season will prominently feature dialogues with Russia.

There’s a brief shot of Frank sitting in the Oval Office with the very openly unhappy President of Russia, President Petrov (Danish actor Lars Mikkelsen, who Sherlock fans will remember as the main villain, Charles Magnussen in season 3), who looks very unwilling to shake on the deal that his American counterpart has proposed.  What’s more, there’s a later scene where he plants an extremely forceful kiss on Claire’s mouth while her shocked husband looks on. Frank ‘FU’ Underwood is going to make a re-appearance, it seems.

Murder (S)he wrote

Fans will remember Ms. Zoey Barnes, Frank’s former flame who (was) unfortunately tripped up in front of a subway train the first episode of season 2.Mr. Underwood’s role in this entire fracas is known only to Zoey’s ex-boyfriend Lucas and her colleague, Janine Svorsky. Besides that, they also suspect him of the murder of Congressman Peter Russo (season 1).


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However, it had been reported that Constance Zimmerman would be reprising her role of the reporter Janine Svorsky and it seems that she’s going to be spilling some serious beans this season. There’s a brief scene of a distraught Claire staring out of a window even as she tells her beloved Francis that they’re ‘murderers’. Her husband responds with a succinct ‘We’re survivors.’





Speaking of survivors, there’s no hide and hair of our favourite henchman, Doug Stmaper. For those who did not get the rock joke at the beginning of this piece, it was a flashback to how we saw Mr. Stamper last. ( a glimpse at the briefly leaked first episode of the third season reveals that he is alive and well, albeit in a less than active state.)

Remember to mark your calendars, dear readers for 27th February and make sure that your internet connections are up and running. Because if the rumour mill is right, this just might be the last season of the Netflix drama. And if this (horrible) piece of news is indeed true, you can be guaranteed that Frank Underwood’s fall from power will be even more glorious than his ascent to it.



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– By Gauri Gaur







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