4 Things Nobody Tells You About Owning A Motorcycle


Here at Economy Decoded, we love motorcycles. If you are a regular reader, you will know just how much we love bikes. But, we also want our readers, you, to love bikes. That is why you will find posts about everything from riding through the Himalayas to an electric bike that can run underwater. Seriously, we have it all!

However, it occurred to us that there are some things that you won’t know about owning a bike. And, we thought it our duty to tell you about these things before you go out and splash the cash.

1. You Won’t Die

There is a very popular myth going around that everyone that owns a motorbike dies from a crash or a collision. The truth is that most people don’t die, as you probably know. It is just scaremongering tactics from those that don’t understand motorcycles. They fear them, and they think that everyone else should fear them too. Compare them with cars, and they are about as safe as most makes and models on the market. Of course, there are bumps and bruises, but that is expected.

2. Crashes Do Happen Though


It is worth noting that motorcycle accidents do occur, and they can occur. If you look at the https://www.heardrobinsnewmexico.com/practice-areas/motorcycle-accidents webpage, you will see the facts and figures. It is pointless to say that you will be as safe as houses when you buy a bike because it isn’t true. However, that is also the case when you buy a car. But, would that stop you from cruising around in the latest that Mercedes has to offer? The answer is no, and the same should be with a bike.

3. Traffic Rules Apply

Leader of the Pack.

Sure, you can drive up in the middle of a traffic jam and position yourself at the front of the queue. That is one of the advantages of owning a motorcycle. But, you can’t just decide that the red light doesn’t apply to you because you are a biker. Whether you own a motorbike or a push bike, you have to adhere to the rules of the road. The difference is that you don’t have to wait in queues for hours at a time. If there is a gap, you can take it and jump the line. For more info, take a look at the http://americanmotorcyclist.com webpage. It beats waiting around for the car in front to make a move!

4. Concentration Is The Key


Because of lack of protection, you are vulnerable to a degree. But, your main vulnerability is that other drivers can’t see you behind them. Most drivers don’t drive as if they are on their test, but as if they have done it for years. The problem is that they won’t look before they make a turn because they know a car can’t make the gap. A bike, on the other hand, can make the gap. As a result, they might block you off or hit you unintentionally. It happens very rarely, yet you still need to be on your guard when you are on the roads. A biker always needs to concentrate, no matter their level of experience.

Image Credits: Google

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