If you thought that the troubles for Delhi were over, well sorry to pile this on you all, but we are so far away from that, that the end is a dot for us.
Some of you might get the reference I made and some might not.
But the last couple of days, Delhi has been a prime example of pollution.
Yes pollution people, everywhere you look, the air of Delhi is polluted, so is the land and so is the water.
And no amount of ROs or water purifiers will be able to completely clean the environment around us.
Since Diwali, Delhi has been blanketed by a thick coat of white air, no no, it was not fog or even smog, but it was plainly put, air that was a production of our own actions over the years.
Smog so thick that it reminded me of the early morning during the months of December and January, was something we are seeing in early November only?!
The Delhi govt. was in a tizzy and every day news channels carried reports of the fact that the air pollution level is only increasing with each passing day.
However the recent news and images of Yamuna looking as if someone dumped a whole aisle of bubble bath gel in it, is not just devastating but also perhaps best represents how apathetic we have become.
Not So Out Of The Blue
Yeah… if you thought, why is all this happening so suddenly? What’s the matter?
Then let me tell you that this… what we are seeing these past few weeks is not that sudden after all and has instead been a long time coming phenomenon.
I remember when I was in school, then during the early morning along with the radio morning news I was also greeted by the chirping of a lot of sparrows outside my house.
No… I’m not describing a Disney movie scene. It really did used to happen.
But for the last few years say around 5-6 years I noticed that those sparrows were not there. And not just around my house, but I couldn’t find them in any part of Delhi that I visited.
The only time I found sparrows was when I would travel outside city limits.
Apart from that, I also noticed that suddenly the winters were not just shorter in duration but the actual winter, as in the bitter cold, that too got delayed so that it literally lasted from mid- December to January.
Where earlier winters would start from November end and last till at least February, that was no longer the case. This fluctuation in weather was very jarring for me.
Yamuna The River I Loved
I have talked about the disappearing sparrows and shorter winters, but Yamuna was the most visual thing for me to point towards our destructive environment.
I remember a time when I would be crossing the Yamuna river and would sit up excitedly to see this river and as a kid, it all looked so beautiful to me. The water was clear, the banks were green and the river stretched on endlessly.
But over the years, I started to witness the decent of this river into a pit of human and other waste and become known as one of the world’s most polluted rivers.
And now, I have to see this, this frothy and horrifying scene of people taking a dip for religious purposes in what is essentially poisonous waters.
Signing off I would like so that, this is the Delhi we live in guys. Take a good look, and if we have even a semblance of respect for our surroundings to start doing something about.
Let us stop asking the govt. to do it, because frankly I have 0 expectations of them. But we the public can do something.
Image Credits: Google Images
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