The International Career and College Counseling (IC3) Movement is going to organise its 5th Annual IC3 Conference on the 25-26 August 2021 in New Delhi, India.

The Annual IC3 Conference brings together higher education representatives for a collaborative dialogue on issues that drive sustainable and inclusive counseling practices focused on student success. 

Mr. Ganesh Kohli, Chair, 5th Annual IC3 Conference & Founder of IC3 Movement shares his thoughts on the importance of this conference. 

  • How does the 5th Annual IC3 conference aim to benefit the high schools?

The 5th Annual International Career & College Counseling (IC3) Conference (25 & 26 August 2021) will bring together higher education representatives from high schools and universities from around the world for a collaborative dialogue on issues that drive sustainable and inclusive career counseling practices focused on student success. With a view that career and college counseling is as important as teaching Mathematics or English in high schools, IC3 aims to empower high schools with professional development opportunities to ensure that students find the best answers to questions like “what to study,” “where to study,” and “how to make it happen.” It is also the largest annual gathering of IC3’s global network of school leadership, teachers and counselors, top universities, and select approved educational organizations.

With several events geared towards networking and professional development, the conference offers unparalleled opportunities for high school delegates throughout the conference week (23-28 August). Additionally, the conference offers pre-conference workshops on best practices of career and college counseling for new and experienced school based career counselors, an opportunity to build valuable connections with top global universities at the University Exhibits, an opportunity for high schools to showcase their institutions to attending university delegates at the High School Exhibits, and learning and development opportunities through curated sessions and panels by seasoned counselors and university representatives. 

Most importantly, this year, the conference is being held in a hybrid format, giving participants the opportunity to decide how they will engage – in-person in New Delhi or virtually from anywhere in the world. This is going to be a unique experience, with seamless and genuine human interactions between in-person and virtual attendees. After more than a year of virtual fatigue and missed human connection, the hybrid conference aims to bring back meaningful engagement and a sense of well-being within the education community. To understand what the hybrid experience will look like, you can watch this video.

  • Can you talk about some important sessions that would benefit the high schools?

This year, the theme of the Annual IC3 Conference is “Onward”, which explores a refreshing outlook of acknowledgment and acceptance of the reality of the pandemic; and moving forward towards a solution-oriented approach with students as the ultimate beneficiaries. The sessions at the conference are especially curated to bring new and unique insights about the student, high school, and university experience in the past 18 months, and the way forward. Bearing in mind the developing higher education landscape in a post-COVID-19 world, the sessions also explore the sub-themes of human connection in a hybrid world, ethics in counseling and recruitment, discovering higher education options in the home country, and aspirations, expectations, and experiences of all the stakeholders involved in the higher education choices that students make. The sessions are also geared towards conversations on promoting greater educational equity and access for students in this new world with its new demands and the digital divide. Some session titles from the 5th Annual IC3 Conference include “Honour Code: Care, Connect, Counsel”, “
Reimagining Student Recruitment: How Colleges and Schools Can Work Together for Change”, “Promoting Global Competency and Career Development Virtually”, “Lessons from the Reckoning: Adapting During the Pandemic”, and “Stories from Across Continents: Human Connection and Hybrid Learning”, among others. 

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