In a shocking turn of events, a group of DU students were attacked by goons recently. The violent incident was termed as a hate crime by the university’s student union, which has issued a note of condemnation on Instagram. This poses a terror situation for the several outside state DU students who live in Delhi.
Targeted For Clothes
In the letter by the Students’ Federation of India (SFI) dated the 1st of November, the details of the incident have been narrated. Apparently, in broad daylight, four South Indian students were apprehended by members of Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP). The encounter took place in front of Daulat Ram College.
While commuting back to their rooms, the students were stopped by bikers. The persons on the bikes apparently asked the students, “Why are you wearing a dhoti? This is not a place for you to wear this stuff”.
Subsequently, the inebriated bikers suddenly began beating the students with belts. The goons continued beating the helpless students who tried to click pictures of the culprits. The students said, “This is from DUSU for you people”.
Read More: DU Students Make Memes To Express The Challenges They Face In Online Classes
Connected Events
The letter by SFI North Delhi also mentioned previous events that can be connected to the recent violence on outstation students. For example, Rakesh Pandey, a professor from Kamala Nehru College, made a statement on ‘Marks Jihad’ to discriminate against Kerala students. Also, besides getting harassed by right-wing elements, many outside and minority students have been denied rooms around the North Campus.
These cases of wilful hate crime and harassment ring a bell. Not so long ago, on October 27, 2016, a peaceful public meeting led by DUSU was disrupted by ABVP members. They had allegedly physically assaulted the student activists at the meeting, some of whom ended up with minor injuries.
Similarly on 26th August 2019, members of SFI were attacked while they were putting up posters. ABVP goons had got out of a Scorpio holding hockey sticks and a stick with nails on it. Although the SFI students obliged to the demand to pull down the poster, they were attacked subsequently. Later, some of them had to be hospitalized with serious injuries.
Such isolated incidents speak a lot about the nature of hate crimes and harassment that students face in the country. As long as violent political forces exist in the country, students or other people belonging to different regions and political ideologies stand at great risk of harm.
Disclaimer: This article is fact-checked
Sources: The Wire, The Hindu, Careers360
Image sources: Google Images
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This post is tagged under: du students attacked, south indian students brutally attacked, political rivalry, hate crime, hate crime against outstation students, attacked due to attire, students safety, political harassment, political violence, delhi university students’ union, dusu, abvp
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