The Indian Railways is all set to launch their uber special Utkrisht Double Decker AC Yatri Express or the Uday Express this July.

There are a lot of special things about this about-to-be-launched train and the first would be that even though the train will be offering a lot of amenities the price will still be lower than that of a 3AC class in regular and express trains.

As per the Railway Ministry offer, the train will be a special double-decker AC train for overnight journeys on high demand routes like New Delhi to Lucknow and such.

Double Decker AC Train

What All Do We Know Of This Double-Decker AC Train?

As of now, going according to the reports released, the train will have a seating of about 120 people per each coach with no sleeper berths but instead plush and comfortable chairs that can also be reclined.

The coaches will also have a vending machine that will serve hot food and beverages to the passengers. It is also said that these vending machines will be equipped with pre-cooked hot food.

Apart from this and the low price of the ticket, the train will also feature a large LCD TV screen that passengers can enjoy from their Wi-Fi connected headphones available at their seats. It is also reported that all the coaches in the Uday Express will have bio-toilets.

According to officials, the absence of sleeper berth despite the train being an overnight one will not create any problems for the passengers. Measures have been taken to provide a good amount of leg space as well as the attention given to creating aesthetically pleasing interiors.

The double-decker AC train or Uday Express was announced at the Rail Budget 2016-17 and is supposedly designed to run at a fast 110 kms/hr.

The speed of the train as well as the fact that the double decker system will increase the capacity by about 40%, it is made to clear up the rush in these high demand routes.

Read More: Back In Time: More Power To The Great Indian Railways! (1925)

July is still a long way off and it remains to be seen whether the Uday Express or the double-decker AC train truly lives up to all the promises it has made or not.

Image Credits: Google Images

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