Thursday, March 27, 2025
HomeRelationshipsMove Over Tinder. Facebook Dating Is The Next Big Thing

Move Over Tinder. Facebook Dating Is The Next Big Thing


Gone are the days when you would see a cute guy in a park, “accidently” bump into him, exchange glances and that would be the start of your relationship. Now is the age of poke. People are meeting and mingling with people they see on facebook. With a click of mouse you can check out more people in a day than you can do in your lifetime.

Indians have been using online matrimonial sites since its inception but when it comes to dating they draw back and aren’t sure about it. This is changing. Today’s youth is open minded and not influenced by age old social norms. They want to have fun and be in a relationship at their own pace and in their own space.


Some online dating sites are free, some can be used without registration. Many such sites use facebook as login id which gives a better chance of matching the profiles of persons of same type. The sites use algorithms made with the help of psychologists who through exhaustive research determine types of personality attributes.


Facebook helps in authenticating the profile. is one such online dating site that uses facebook. It is a free site where you sign up with your facebook profile and browse the singles in your vicinity. If you find your match you can get their facebook profile and carry forward your acquaintanceship on facebook as per your convenience.


For the privacy freaks out there, you can keep your profile setting private and people will have to show interest in you, much like facebook request. Only when you accept it your profile is visible to him/her. You can chose who you want to give your profile to.

With a lot of options out there, online dating is now slowly gaining popularity and you can have your own “Love Story_____”(whatever year that maybe).



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