HomeLifestyleWhat makes us live?

What makes us live?



As I was hanging out with friends this weekend at CP I happened to notice an old man selling hand puppets by the roadside. The quirky sound which he created out of them seemed to say “Please buy me”.

But the sad part is that nobody cared. They just walked by him. Everyone was too busy to even take notice of him.
Yet he smiled. That’s quite normal, right?
He was blind too. Is that also something routine we see on the roads of the capital?
Perhaps NO!
Imagine the plight of that man. He is old, blind and poor but he still continues to live and that too joyfully.
As I indulged myself in a more philosophical thought I wondered as to what actually makes us live. Many people face such difficulties or even worse each day but they still continue to survive. Why?
Don’t they feel helpless and forced to give in? Why don’t they just succumb?
Well, probably that’s not how life is. We need to face the harsh realities of life. Giving much thought I came up with three things that help us live and not merely surrender!
It’s hope, love and faith.
The three golden things that make us live!

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A farmer hopes for rain!
A woman hopes for a safer world!
Impoverished hopes to be richer one day!
Hope for a happier tomorrow! Hope for a healthier self, for a peaceful world and a better life!
We all hope that we would be happy and satisfied one day and thus we live. Hope gets us going.
Then comes love!

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That smile on your child’s face when you get him his favourite toy car!
The joys on seeing your child succeed in every endeavor!
The pride on your parents face when you receive your first salary!
We all are bound by love.Affection rules! We live for our loved ones and would do just anything to see them happy. Howsoever trying the times might be, a smile on their faces rejuvenates your spirits and lifts the clouds of darkness.

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Faith! Faith in oneself! Faith in God!
God made me. I am blessed. I am unique. I was born to be happy. Times will change. This suffering won’t last forever.
We are convinced that times will change and we would someday be happier than we are today. Next time you see someone suffering tell him that he still has reason to live.
Never lose hope. Transmit it.
Always find love. Pass it on.
Always have faith. Don’t give in.
Introspect before you surrender. Face the trying times boldly and you shall succeed. Live because you too have a reason to do so!



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