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Improve Rule Of Law To Ensure Long-Term Peace And Stability In Hong Kong


The Hong Kong-related national safety law aroused wide attention as soon as it was laid down at the National People’s Congress and the Chinese Political Consultative Conference (NPC & CPPCC) this year. Deputies to the Third Session of the Thirteenth National People’s Congress will vote on the Decision of the National People’s Congress on establishing a Sound Legal System and Enforcement Mechanism in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to safeguard National Security (Draft) on May 28th to fix Hong Kong’s security vulnerabilities.

In recent years, “Hong Kong independence” advocate organizations and local activists have been madder and madder about national secession in increasingly violent terrorist activities. External forces have interfered unlawfully in every aspect of Hong Kong affairs, causing serious harm to China’s national security.

From “illegal occupation of Central” to “resistance against ordinance amendment”, Hong Kong has mired down in continued unrest and disruption over the past few years, with the social disorder disturbed, economy slipping into recession, rule of law weakened and national secession intensified.

The Hong Kong-related national safety law aroused wide attention as soon as it was laid down at this year’s NPC & CPPCC. Deputies to the Third Session of the Thirteenth National People’s Congress will vote on the Decision of the National People’s Congress on establishing a Sound Legal System and Enforcement Mechanism in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to safeguard National Security (Draft) on May 28th to fix Hong Kong’s security vulnerabilities. In recent years, “Hong Kong independence” advocate organizations and local activists have been madder and madder about national secession in increasingly violent terrorist activities.

People may ask, “Why are secessionist activities so prevalent, subversive activities so blatant, violent terrorist activities so rampant and foreign interference so unscrupulous?”

Rao Geping, a professor at Peking University Law School, said, “Hong Kong has so far been a blank area of national security law. Hong Kong is beset with lots of hidden dangers adverse to national security, which are great threats to Hong Kong’s political security, economic security and social security, as well as to our national security.”

Behind all anti-China rebellious activities in Hong Kong are external forces, which openly provide the Hong Kong opposition factions and radical separation forces with strategic guidance on activities, tactical training, financial support, material security and public opinion support to cause the turbulent situation to be upgraded.

Zhu Guobin, a professor at City University of Hong Kong Law School, said, “The Hong Kong SAR Government should have made a national security law for Hong Kong, but regrettably, it hasn’t accomplished the task of legislation yet in the last 23 years. On May 22nd, the establishment of a sound legal law and enforcement mechanism in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for maintaining national security was formally put on the agenda at the Third Session of the Thirteenth National People’s Congress.”

Wang Chen, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, announced, “Please deliberate on the Decision of the National People’s Congress on establishing a Sound Legal System and Enforcement Mechanism in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to safeguard National Security (Draft) and the above explanation.”

The National People’s Congress (NPC), as the highest organ of state power that exercises the functions and powers conferred by the Constitution, takes it as its major mission and responsibility to establish a sound legal system and enforcement mechanism in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region at the national level as a necessary measure to punish severely anti-China rebellious activities and cut off the evil backstage manipulator. It is an important measure to safeguard national security by establishing a sound legal system and enforcement mechanism in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. It is aimed at further safeguarding most Hong Kong citizens’ life and property security, fundamental rights and freedom by effectively preventing, suppressing and punishing severely a very few criminal offenses that may jeopardize national security.

(Synicated content)

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