A man from Andhra Pradesh has reportedly been arrested at the Indira Gandhi International (IGI) Airport of Delhi for conning 100s of people out of money.

It is always interesting to see how many and different ways people try to con people out of money and other valuables. Often our direct impression when thinking of a con is a movie-like scenario, where a team works together, stakes are high, the danger is there and more.

But upon reading such instances, one comes to realise how it is not always some over glamourised version and instead it is very common people carrying out these cons.

As per reports, the man from Andhara Pradesh has been conning people for the past four to five years, but has finally been caught by authorities.

How Did He Con So Many People?

The Andhra man, called Modela Venkata Dinesh Kumar, comes from the Guntur district in AP. Besides this fact, not much has been made public knowledge.

Police reports reveal that his main method of conning people was to pretend to be a student from a reputed university and ask people for money giving the excuse that he missed his flight.

One of the most recent complaints against the man was registered on December 19, 2021, when the complainant a resident of PG Men’s Hostel Maulana Azad Medical College informed the police about how he was conned out of money by the accused while he was travelling from Baroda to Delhi.

At the Delhi IGI Airport T-3, the complainant was standing near the conveyer belt when the accused approached him, showed his ID from said university and then gave a sob story of how he came from Chandigarh and had missed his connecting flight to Vishakhapatnam.

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The accused had even showed a flight ticket to the stated destination and asked for Rs. 6,500 to buy a new ticket. As per a statement made by a police officer, “The accused showed a fake ID too and said he needed Rs 6,500 to pay for a new ticket. He promised to pay it back once he reached his destination, but stopped taking calls from the doctor.”

The victim transferred an amount of Rs. 9,250 through Google Pay and the cheater assured that he would return the money once he got to his destination. After not getting the money back despite several attempts at communication, the victim registered a complaint against the money at the police station.

This potentially led to the man’s arrest, where he was apprehended by the police at T-2 of IGI Airport on 30th December.

Deputy Commissioner of Police (IGI Airport) Sanjay Tyagi stated that “On December 30, on the basis of CCTV footage, alleged suspected person was apprehended from IGI Airport T-2 when he was trying to cheat other passenger.” 

Apparently, this is not the only complaint against this man, and 5 different FIRs have previously been registered against him and there are even Twitter posts complaining about same man.

According to sources, the cheater has conned over 100 people at the Delhi Airport over the course of the years.

Image Credits: Google Images

Sources: The Hindu, Hindustan Times, The Indian Express

Find the blogger: @chirali_08

This post is tagged under: Andhra Man Con, delhi airport, Andhra Man Con delhi airport, con, india con, con man, con man india, IGI Airport, Modela Venkata Dinesh Kumar, cheat passenge

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