Govt. Offices Are Going Paperless With The E-Office Initiative To Empower Us (Video)


Considering the fact that it takes more than 3 gallons of water to make a single sheet of paper, it is high time we go paperless and embrace the current digital trend.

The Digital India initiative is something our Govt. should truly be commended for. After all it’s not only giving our environment a time out, but also providing for a more efficient and effective working system.

Now, the average man will not have to trudge in and out of the government offices known for their lethargic tendencies, wondering what the status of his application is. He will have all the information he needs right in his pocket.

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The paperless initiative will extend accountability, transparency, and innovation in the much-needed field of public service and along with being a big leap towards technology it will also prove to be a great service to the future generations, as well.

And what do you know! The Prime Minister is actually rewarding Ministries for the successful implementation of e-Office or ‘paperless office’ initiative in their departments.

Watch the video below to find out more!

India Is On The Right Track By Taking The Paperless Route

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