Twitter is not only a place to follow celebs and tweet, but it is also a breeding ground for comedians.

With infinite content at the platform, from celebrities, politicians, common people and more posting, things that are just begging to be made fun of, these people have picked a good following with their funny posts.

We take a look at some of the funniest Indian guys on Twitter.

1. Manish

A parody account according to his bio, this account not only has some good gems of its own, but also a nice curation of other funny memes and posts.

2. Rishabh Srivastava

As per his bio, he is a blogger and Internet marketer, but his memes and jokes on Twitter are hilarious.

Definitely a good steering of his creativity to make funny memes and posts revolving around current events.

3. Akshar Pathak

If you want a daily stream of relatable memes and jokes that hit that Desi nerve just right, then this page is must follow.

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4. Himanshu Khodke

Apparently a rising stand-up comedian, Himanshu does a lot of memes and jokes about daily life and the entertainment industry.

This tweet, is a good example of his brand of humour:

5. Vishesh Arora

Vishesh, an IIM Indore graduate does a lot more of written jokes instead of memes, but they are all extremely relatable and perfect for the young Indian.

6. Nikhil

Going by the @niquotein, Nikhil has a huge following, and is one of those pages that you just keep scrolling through looking at all the memes and jokes.

Tell us if you know any more funny guys. We would love to feature them here!

Image Credits: Google Images

Sources: Twitter

Find the blogger at: @chirali_08

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