Friendly Fridays Chapter 56: GQ’s Fashion Features Editor Shivangi Lolayekar

This week on Friendly Fridays we have with us Shivangi Lolayekar, the Fashion Features Editor at GQ, India. Need we say more?

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So without much fuss, here we go:

Team ED: Three words that describe you the best?

Shivangi Lolayekar: Bit of everything.

Team ED: What do you like the most about being an Editor?

Shivangi Lolayekar: The unpredictability of the job. You could be hobnobbing with some seriously cool people the night before and closing issue the morning after. Top that with travel and PR’s sending cake to office. Lots of cake.

Team ED: What is the most stressful part of your job?

Shivangi Lolayekar: Deadlines. You’re always on a strict timeline and you have to fit so much in one day (meetings, events, writing, liaising). Plus with technology, there’s no excuse for not staying on top of everything. It’s definitely a high-pressure job.

Team ED: One social media website you find yourself hooked on to?

Shivangi Lolayekar: Instagram’s probably the easiest to navigate and super informative. It’s amazing how you can create a parallel persona on it and show the universe that your life is amazing – when actually you’re a complete sloth, binge watching Netflix.

Team ED: If you could start a rumour about yourself, what would it be?

Shivangi Lolayekar: That I’ve moved to an obscure island with no network. Preferably with a Hemsworth or a Tatum or Olivier Giroud. I’m not fussy.

Team ED: How many pairs of shoes do you own (our female readers would definitely want to know this)?

Shivangi Lolayekar: Probably about 50 at the moment. I’d use maybe 10 at a time, repurpose them to death and do away with them after.

Team ED: One fashion trend that should go away for good in the upcoming year?

Shivangi Lolayekar: Fashion terminology that sounds like it’s come out of the mouth of a Kardashian.

Team ED: And one fashion trend that should definitely stay/ or make a comeback?

Shivangi Lolayekar: Androgyny all the way. I’m excited that designers are looking past genders and creating clothes that appeal to both sexes. It signals a new time not just in fashion but also in people’s thought processes.

Team ED: What’s the craziest thing that you have done?

Shivangi Lolayekar: There are probably a hundred stories to put down here but let’s just say that I’ve swum in Scandinavian sea at 6am in -2 degrees and once had breakfast in London, lunch in Amsterdam, tea in Denmark and dinner in Stockholm – all in one day. Don’t try it, your credit card will cry.

Team ED: What’s the wackiest thing that can be found in your browser history?

Shivangi Lolayekar: There are obviously trends, newsy bits, the NYT, BoF – that sort of stuff but the wackiest? I just checked: ‘Pie in face pranks’.

Team ED: What comes to your mind when we say the following?

Fashionista: Too clique-e.
Bollywood Industry: India feeds off of it in many ways.
Social Media: Excessive and sadly becoming a necessity.
Big Boss: Never watched it. But Salman Khan?
GQ: The real Big Boss.
Nutella: Someone please start a Nutella Bar in Bombay!
AIB: Witty and ballsy.

Team ED: What’s your take on blogging culture that’s started in India?

Shivangi Lolayekar: I think we have a while to go before we match up to how fashion bloggers function internationally. But it’s great to see that it’s a legit career in India now and that we have a handful of bloggers that are really pushing boundaries with the way they communicate about Indian fashion, especially with the choice of local designers they endorse.

Team ED: One piece of advice to the young fashion bloggers?

Shivangi Lolayekar: Never try emulating what the next guy’s doing. Create your own USP. That’s what you’ll be remembered for.

Thank you so much, Shivangi, for giving us time. We loved every bit of this Friendly Fridays interview with you. 

With that, it’s a wrap of this fun-filled edition of Friendly Fridays. We will be back again next week, with some more fun and friendly chats. Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

See you again next week, till then, adios!

(Interview Conceptualised by Pratishtha Mahajan) 



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