HomeEntertainmentFamily Vibes Hit Strong With Season 2 Of Netflix’s Fuller House: ED...

Family Vibes Hit Strong With Season 2 Of Netflix’s Fuller House: ED Review


Back when the news of a Full House spin off broke, the internet went berserk. While season 1 premiered on Netflix this year in February, the second season of Fuller House was released in December for binge watching during the holidays.

The Cast of Full House (above) and Fuller House (below)
The Cast of Full House (above) and Fuller House (below)

The response for the first season was so great that Netflix instantly picked up the series for another season. The 13 episodes season included several flashbacks, guest stars and healthy humour. Suffice it to say, the season was loaded with nostalgic references from the original series and wasn’t disappointing to a fan.

Spoiler Alert!!!

The Woo’s:

  • The holiday episodes: There were four holiday episodes including Thanksgiving, Halloween, Christmas and New Year episodes. All four of the holiday episodes not only had a very merry main plot with special focus on the importance of being with family, but also had an interesting subplot to keep the viewers hooked onto the episode.
  • The return of the Full House characters: You wouldn’t believe the joy of seeing Uncle Jesse, Joey, Danny and Becky return to reprise the characters we all loved seeing them in. It was a delight for the eyes to see those four characters back on screen with such impeccable chemistry.
Fuller House Cast: Michael Campion, Elias Harger, and Soni Bringas as Jackson and Max Fuller, and Ramona Gibbler respectively.
Fuller House Cast: Michael Campion, Elias Harger, and Soni Bringas as Jackson and Max Fuller, and Ramona Gibbler respectively.


  • The children: The show finally started to dig more into the lives of the children- Jackson, Max and Ramona. The best part was seeing how well Kimmy Gibbler’s daughter Ramona is building her relationship with D.J.’s sons Jackson and Max. The season also introduces us to the new budding love-lives of teenagers Jackson and Ramona.
  • The guest stars: An episode in season 2 brought pop group New Kids on the Block onto the show. It was dream come true for D.J. and for all of us ‘90s kids who had madly danced to ‘Step by Step’ every time it showed up on MTV.
  • The meta-references: What you’re actually going to love, are the meta-references in this season. Like when D.J. is praying for Michelle’s reunion with the family before the Thanksgiving meal, the following scene shows actor John Stamos breaking character and literally inviting actresses Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen (who played Michelle) to join them next year.

The Meh’s:

Michelle Tanner, where you go?: No sign of the Olsen twins even in the second season of Fuller House
Michelle Tanner, where you go?: No sign of the Olsen twins even in the second season of Fuller House


  • Where’s Michelle? : Even after the conclusion of season 2, there’s absolutely no indication whether actresses Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen will reprise the role of the youngest Tanner daughter or not. Her absence felt very noticeable in the family-reunion episodes.
  • Rehashing old storylines: The series is doing well upon the grounds that it’s reusing a lot of its older storylines from the original series. There needs to be some other angle from where the storylines for the new characters need to be developed. Because as much hard it is to say, but the ‘90s are done.
  • D.J.’s unforeseen character development: It continuously bothered me how the writers decided to develop D.J’s character. It made sense to make her more responsible since she became a mother but an inexperienced single mom who thinks that wedding crashing makes her a ‘good girl gone bad’ doesn’t sound like the D.J. we once saw in Full House. It’s quite unrelatable to say the least.
  • No progress for Kimmy: While the writers projected D.J.’s character to have gone into a sort of personality makeover, Kimmy’s character stayed stagnant. She’s still the ditzy, blonde woman who annoyed people. I mean the woman has a teenage daughter for crying out loud! Give her character at least, some development.


The final verdict:

Season 2 brings a lot of old and new characters into the picture, advantageously living up to its name ‘Fuller House’. It still needs to adapt a modern approach on the script and character development as the ‘90s nostalgia will work but only for so long. I’d give the series 3 stars for its family based humour that revived our beloved ‘90s stars and the brilliancy with which the child actors portrayed their characters.



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Cherryy Chauhan
Cherryy Chauhanhttp://www.theshimeringcherryy.webs.com
Little bit psychotic with a knack for writing.



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