Fake Friendly Fridays is a section where we pick a famous personality and throw fake questions at him/her and in return, we receive fake answers. Why should you not take it seriously? Because it is fake.

If you still didn’t get it: This is a fake interview written purely on the basis of the author’s imagination of how the actual interview would have been if we got the chance to interview these famous (some, for all the wrong reasons) personalities in real life. In short, just have a good laugh!

ED: Good day, viewers. Today, we have a special guest, the talented and beloved Bollywood actress, Sara Ali Khan. Sara, it’s a pleasure to have you here, ma’am.

Sara Ali Khan: Thank you for having me, ED. I’m excited to share my thoughts with your viewers.

ED: Sara, you’ve gained quite a reputation for your unique take on spending and saving. From being mindful about a roaming pack’s cost to reusing tea bags, your stories have intrigued many. Can you tell us a little more about your perspective on money?

Sara: Of course! See, money is an essential part of life, but I believe in being responsible with it. We’re fortunate to have what we do, and I’ve always been taught to value things. While I may sound frugal at times, it’s about appreciating the worth of every rupee and not taking things for granted.

ED: That’s an interesting way to look at it. Can you share an example that showcases your approach to spending?

Sara: Sure! I remember the time when I was traveling and had to buy a roaming pack. Now, most people might not think much of it, but I found myself hesitating over the cost of Rs 400. It’s not about being stingy; it’s about realizing the value of that money. It’s something my parents have instilled in me – understanding that money represents effort and hard work.

ED: Your anecdotes have indeed resonated with many who often face similar dilemmas. What about more extravagant expenses? We’ve heard about the incident involving a towel.

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Sara: Ah, yes! The towel incident. My mom bought a towel for Rs 1600, and I playfully teased her about it. For me, it was a lighthearted moment, but it got picked up by the media. However, I should clarify that my intention wasn’t to criticize her choices. We all have our own ways of looking at things, and it’s important to respect that.

ED: Absolutely, it’s about finding a balance between our individual approaches to money. Now, let’s talk about your famous tea bag story. Reusing tea bags to make tea for guests is quite unconventional, isn’t it?

Sara: *laughs* Yes, I know it might sound a bit quirky. But it’s more about not being wasteful. When you have friends over for tea, it’s the company and the conversations that matter, not the number of tea bags used. Plus, my friends and I have a good laugh about it – they’ve started jokingly bringing their own tea bags when they visit.

ED: Your down-to-earth approach is unusual, especially in an industry often associated with opulence and considering that you are royalty. What would you say to those who might perceive your frugal habits as being out of touch with your glamorous lifestyle?

Sara: chuckles I must confess, I can be a bit irritating with my frugal tendencies at times. However, I embrace these critiques with a dose of humor. We all possess unique traits, and mine involves making the most of resources. If my stories prompt conversations and a few smiles, I’m content with wearing the “eccentric” label. Life’s too short not to chuckle at oneself, after all.

ED: Thank you for sharing your perspective, Sara. It’s been insightful to hear your thoughts on money and spending.

Sara: Thank you for having me, ED. I hope our conversation encourages people to think about their relationship with money in a different light.

Sources: Writer’s own creativity

Image sources: Google Images

Feature Image designed by Saudamini Seth

Find The Blogger: Pragya Damani

This post is tagged under: Sara Ali Khan, Sara Ali Khan middle class, Sara Ali Khan irritating, Sara Ali Khan PR, Sara Ali Khan frugal tendencies

We do not hold any right over any of the images used, these have been taken from Google. In case of credits or removal, the owner may kindly mail us.

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