HomeED OriginalsFrom Nutella Hair Dye To Japan-Russian Dog Diplomacy, Everything Sarcastic That Happened...

From Nutella Hair Dye To Japan-Russian Dog Diplomacy, Everything Sarcastic That Happened In News This Week


Your weekly dose of the top trending sarcastic news around the world is back! Curious about what you might have missed in news this week? Read on! 



Indian Businessman Gifts 90 Houses to Homeless As Daughter’s Wedding Gift.


In a really magnanimous gesture, a businessman from Aurangabad in Maharashtra decided to spend rupees 1.5 crore on the occasion of his daughter marriage to house the poor and the destitute, instead of spending on a lavish wedding. Applause please!


29-year-old Becomes First Pak Woman to Join Bomb Disposal Unit.


In one giant leap towards women empowerment, Pakistan’s Rafia Qaseem Baighas becomes the first female bomb squad member in their country. Because Pakistan takes a lil more time than the international average to realize gender equality stuff.


In Recent Instagram Trends, Dyeing Hair with Nutella Becomes A New Thing.


Since chocolate-hazelnut spread overall makes the world a better place, will it no longer be icky if anyone wants to lick your hair?




Russia Declines Japanese Dog Diplomacy Ahead of Summit.

With Yume
With Yume

Japan decided to gift a bridegroom dog Akita to their earlier present of Yume to dog-lover Putin as a gesture of goodwill ahead of their bi-lateral talks. But the Russian President decided to reject Japan’s puppy love. Who refuses cute puppies as presents?

Ship him to India. Maybe our Modiji can do with a new pet dog, don’t you think sos?


Saudi Police Arrest Woman for Posting Photo Without Veil on Twitter.


Women in Saudi Arabia are expected to be clothed modestly, read burqa-ed/hijab-ed, in public. One rebel woman decided to challenge it by tweeting a photograph without a hijab. The Saudi police felt it to be too provocative, so they arrested her.

Because having a good hair day in Saudi Arabia is a crime too.


Will UK Cut Student Visas by Almost 50%?


The new buzz over the internet seems to be that the UK government is seeking to cut down on international student visas by almost half. In stating some of the most outrageous reasons for rejecting visas, some students applying even being told that they have courses that are just as good enough in their home countries.

I ask, why be so generous to comment dear England? Why don’t you fortify your lil island country after all.


That was all for news this week. Well, we decided to leave the weird Trump-related headlines out for this edition. If you are hungry for more, come back next week when the pot of bizarre news boils over with more crazy!


(Image Credits: Google Images)

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Brinda Sen
Brinda Sen
Might be found chasing bubbles or bunnies near redbrick buildings. Warcry of choice: "Arrey Arrey Arrey Arrey!"



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