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HomeEntertainmentMoviesDEvil : 7 Objects Which Shouldn’t Be Focus Of A Horror Movie...

DEvil : 7 Objects Which Shouldn’t Be Focus Of A Horror Movie But Are


Be it Bollywood or Hollywood, there is a long history of horror genré where haunted or possessed inanimate objects brings laughter instead of screams. While some of these films overcome their weird concepts, but others, uhhh, do not.

Here is a list of some weirdest objects to ever be the focus of a horror movie. Some are the work of a ghost, some are the work of Satan and some are just plain inexplicable!

1. Bed in ‘Death Bed : The Bed That Eats’


Yes, the film is exactly what it sounds like. In the opening scene of the movie, a demon has sex with a woman, accidentally kills her and cries tears of blood. The blood hit the bed and guess who comes to malevolent life.

And then for the next few centuries, the bed journeys around the world with its sidekick/janam-janam ka saathi, a haunted painting (seriously), devouring unsuspecting people.

Wait, it becomes further laughable when you realise that the bed has a stomach underneath its sheets filled with acid strong enough to strip off flesh. And oh, the bed can even manipulate the sleeper’s dreams. Yep, this movie actually exists.

2. Laundry Press in ‘The Mangler’

With a title like ‘The Mangler,’ you’d think the film would be very horrifying. But you’d be surprised, the Mangler is… an industrial laundry machine!

Eventually, the main characters try to exorcise the Mangler, learn that it’s unstoppable. Thanks to accidentally ingesting antacids and flee as the Mangler comes to life and starts chasing them (yep, seriously!).

It’s quite impossible to truly hate any movie that has an evil laundry press as lead but, ‘The Mangler’ sure does try!

3. Refrigerator in ‘The Refrigerator’


Okay so this movie gets bonus points for actually existing.  So, the movie is about a killer refrigerator that has a portal to Hell.

Yes, someone wrote it. Someone directed it. Actors interacted with the fridge and said their dialogues. Someone actually went and made a movie about an evil refrigerator. That my friends can never be undone!

4. Video Game in ‘Brainscan’

Here’s a scientific fact for you, video games transform young children into stone cold killers. That’s the truth, yep. Only one movie has ever dared to talk about this magical science tho, that’s ‘Brainscan’ for you.

Brainscan 1994 VHS 2

The film fictionalizes the way in which games train kids to become serial killers. Trickster, the game doesn’t actually tell the children that the murders they’re committing on screen are real!

Well, kids the joke is definitely on you. ‘Trickster’, what else were you thinking?

Also, if this story about haunted video games can convince parents to never buy their innocent kids video games, then its existence is more than justified. Thank you, ‘Brainscan.’

5. Telephone Hotline in ‘976-Evil’


There was a time before cell phones and smartphones, before Skype and WhatsApp. It was a simpler time, a time when the spirits had to corrupt telephone lines to scare people.

Yes, ‘976-Evil’ is a movie about a Satan-run hotline that makes people psychopath murderers. Well, well, well.

6. Mars in ‘Ghosts of Mars’


Okay, so I know this is a list of movies with haunted “objects” but when your haunting goes beyond Earth, you definitely earn a spot.

‘Ghosts of Mars’ obviously takes place on the fourth planet from the sun and follows a Space Cop and Ice Cube, as they battle a horde of ancient martian ghosts. Enough said!

7. Internet in ‘FeardotCom’


The internet has definitely done more good than harm. Although, the existence of ‘Feardotcom’ speaks otherwise.

Yeah, it’s a movie where a ghost designs a website that kills people. After all, if you can haunt the internet, you’re pretty much haunting the entire Earth. Wait, is this a ‘Ghosts of Mars’ sequel?!

It’ll take another piece to list such ‘horror’ movies from Bollywood (yes, there are so many!)

You’re real scar(r)ed reading this, aren’t you? Lol.

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Yogita Rathore
Yogita Rathore
Smart, funny, chic and sarcastic. 4 words that perfectly describe Yogita. Don't let her calm demeanor deceive you, since her blogs are as fiesty as a shot of Tabasco sauce.



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