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HomeFinanceBrexit Explained For The Millennials In Ways We Actually Understand

Brexit Explained For The Millennials In Ways We Actually Understand


Brexit is Complicated


This is true. Like most things in the world, Brexit is also complicated. As UK, under Theresa May, gears up to trigger the notorious Article 50, it can be easy to forget what set it in motion in the first place.

But that’s okay for help is here: Brexit explained and simplified!

As the great <I don’t know but probably a famous person> once said, “if you can’t explain it easily, you can’t explain it at all”, we want to break down the drama in way we all can understand.

This is where reddit user /u/thisisshortenough comes in.

Brexit Explained For Millennials


The Juicy Details


“I’ve also described Brexit for Ireland as like when you’re out with all your mates on the sesh [going out]. Having a great time, Germany’s buying shots for everyone which is grand cause we only brought enough out for three drinks.

Then England and Wales start getting in a huff cause Sweden and Germany invited Syria and Yemen along. England and Wales are going on that it’s not about who was brought along, they just thought it was gonna be the usual group who was out and they didn’t want to be getting into rounds with people who’ve only come along halfway through.

Everyone knows though that England and Wales just don’t like Syria and Yemen for some reason and ignores England and Wales when they start bitching.

Then Wales and England says they want to go somewhere else and everyone else wants to stay in the bar they’re already in, they’ve got a table and they’re having great craic, plus Syria and Yemen can’t get in the other pub. So England and Wales announce they’re going home and cause Scotland and Northern Ireland are housemates with them they’ve got to go too.

Now Ireland has to decide if they’re gonna go too. If they leave now they’ll get a cheaper taxi fare but Germany and the rest are going to think Ireland was taking England and Wales’ side. But if they stay at the pub they won’t be able to afford the taxi home.

And that’s what Brexit means to Ireland.

Ireland decided to stay on the night out and the next day Scotland and Northern Ireland had the biggest FOMO [Fear of missing out] while looking at Ireland’s snapchat story. England and Wales left the group chat and are slamming the doors of their flat to make a point that they’re outraged even though all they’re doing is annoying themselves.

Ireland had to hang out in the 24 hour McDonalds until the buses started running the next morning but they were able to afford a McMuffin and spent the next day happily watching the Come Dine With Me marathon”

Beautiful, Simply beautiful


That brought tears to my eyes.

So there you have it folks, the insider story behind what sparked the weirdness that is Brexit.

Also, “Brexit” sounds like a shitty knock-off breakfast cereal. I’ll stick with my diabetes inducing sugar puffs that somehow qualifies as a healthy breakfast, thanksverymuch.

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Rahul Dua
Rahul Dua
Chemical Engineering student at University of Waterloo. Movie fanatic, podcast addict, and runs on caffeine. Trying to live that CEO life on an intern's salary. Let's talk.



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