Breakfast Babble is ED’s own little space on the interwebs where we gather to discuss ideas and get pumped up (or not) for the day. We judge things too. Sometimes. Always. Whatever, call it catharsis and join in people.
It has been more than a year now since I graduated, and till today I ponder upon how, the place where I was once nervous to enter, became a place that I would cherish my whole life.
The idea of a place impacting you in several ways is just so beautiful. As in, you don’t realize it, however, you are impacted; impacted in wonderful ways. This place for me was my college.
I was shy, nervous, and naive when I first entered my college, the Institute of Home Economics, Delhi University, wondering how the campus would be, and how would my classmates, faculty, and seniors be. And then, during the orientation session when I first interacted with my professors and my classmates, I just knew that my journey here would be amazing.
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I am a media student, thus, the kind of projects we are assigned and courses we learn is already fun and you get to explore around. However, to add to this, my professors were a bunch of beautiful and knowledgeable people, whose experiences in life and career carved me, and my batchmates beautifully.
It was in these three years of my graduation that I learnt life, besides my course of course. I used to have highly intellectual talks with my professors about the issues of what was happening around, and their ideas and thoughts have influenced me manifolds.
We had to do all of our projects ourselves. No help, just guidance from our professors. That is when I learnt how crucial it is to make the right decision. Though you can make mistakes and mend them too, but not always.
I learnt what it is like to leave the cocoons of our school where we were spoon-fed everything. In college, many times you had to do things which you don’t already know. You had to go for getting your work done either twice, thrice, and multiple times.
And that’s how it is in life too. Nothing happens instantly, you have to wait always. I’ll always be grateful to my college and professors for teaching us these life lessons.
Image Credits: Google Images
Sources: Blogger’s own opinions
Find the blogger: Palak Dogra
This post is tagged under: college, college life, lessons from college, college student, institute of home economics, delhi university, life lessons
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