HomeTechnologyAs funds locked in DeFi near $4 Billion, Renato Rodriguez is bullish...

As funds locked in DeFi near $4 Billion, Renato Rodriguez is bullish on the DeFi narrative


Panama City, Panama – The recent crypto rally that saw Bitcoin (BTC) push price above the $11,000 level and Ethereum (ETH) the $300 level for the first time in roughly a year hasn’t significantly dispirited down the craze for DeFi tokens. In just less than 60 days after crossing the $1 Billion valuation, funds locked in DeFi is now near $4 Billion.

Renato Rodriguez is a Guatemalan American crypto expert who has been pushing the DeFi narrative since mid-2019. He is the President of the Board of Directors of 12 Latin American companies dedicated to the development of technological, digital, and physical products and a specialist in personal development projects, leadership, and marketing networks.

He believes that projects built on the Ethereum blockchain can finally deliver on many of the promises that Fintech failed to keep. As Ethereum comprises an open permissionless platform boasting inherent interoperability, any new piece of infrastructure deployed by anyone will be automatically accessible to everyone.

According to him, “the potential for cross-linking with the extant legacy infrastructure is needed if DeFi is to onboard meaningful users from outside of the crypto community.”

“Currency devaluations are a wake-up call for the people, and we must act now,” Renato Rodriguez

The printing of fiat currency in an unprecedented way has placed many fiat currencies in an uncertain position as they are extensively dropping value against the US Dollar and are also vulnerable to drastic devaluation meanwhile, DeFi is accelerating its pace.

“It couldn’t be better timing for DeFi to grow” – Renato Rodriguez

Renato believes 2020 is the year of crypto as a massive move to decentralization is taking place. People are finding an alternative to conventional business and economics, and DeFi is currently their best bet!

Media contact

Contact Name: Renato Rodriguez

Organization name: Renato Rodriguez

email: info@renatorodriguez.io

Phone number: +1 9494267544

Website URL: www.renatorodriguez.io

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