As the current election season intensifies, political parties are emphasising various issues, with women’s rights taking centre stage. Amidst this, the recent Swati Maliwal assault case has rekindled concerns about women’s safety in India. In this context, a lesser-known political party, ‘Mera Adhikar Rashtriya Dal’ (MARD), is emerging with a focus on defending men’s rights.

Origins and Purpose of MARD

Founded in 2009 by men entangled in legal disputes over the Dowry Prohibition Act and the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, MARD aims to address what it perceives as injustices against men. 

Kapil Mohan Choudhary, one of the founding members, narrates his personal struggle, “I have two kids from my first marriage, both taken away by my ex-wife. Later, I was falsely accused in dowry and domestic violence cases. While fighting these cases in Lucknow, I met many others facing similar charges in similar situations”. Choudhary, who remarried in 2011, emphasises that the party’s primary goal is to “highlight men’s issues”.

Election Participation and Challenges

Since its inception, MARD has participated in seven elections despite facing significant setbacks throughout its journey. During the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, the party fielded candidates from Varanasi and Lucknow, and in 2020, it contested a by-election in Bangarmau and Assembly elections in Bareilly, Lucknow North, and Bakshi Ka Talab. 

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Despite these efforts, MARD candidates have repeatedly suffered heavy losses, often forfeiting their deposits. Undeterred, the party is contesting from the Lok Sabha seats of Lucknow, Gorakhpur, and Ranchi this year, hoping to make a breakthrough.

The ‘MANifesto’ and Gender Stance

MARD’s manifesto titled “MANifesto, “A real MANifesto for MAN,” proposes several measures aimed at safeguarding men’s rights. Key promises include the creation of a ‘Ministry of Men’s Welfare’ and a ‘National Commission for Men,’ as well as the passage of a “Men’s Safety Bill”, to counteract perceived unfair practices against men under laws designed to protect women. While the party claims to support the inclusion of women, its online rhetoric often suggests otherwise. 

One post states, “There is no such thing as Feminism. It is a psyop and a pathetic ideology propagated and funded by Politics to destroy families. do u all agree?”.

When questioned about post-marriage job roles, a party supporter asserted, “Women. But they aren’t leaving jobs now. So there are fights over who is going to make tea at home. And if women can’t handle the house, then it is a problem. A man goes to work and has to tolerate so much at office”.

Fuelling Conservatism

MARD’s approach, while ostensibly advocating for men’s rights, risks reinforcing conservative and detrimental views toward women. By framing men as victims and women as aggressors in domestic disputes, MARD perpetuates traditional gender stereotypes that portray women as inherently manipulative or vindictive. This narrative overlooks the complexity of interpersonal relationships and undermines efforts to promote gender equality and mutual respect.

MARD’s emphasis on men’s rights may inadvertently downplay or dismiss the legitimate struggles faced by women, such as domestic violence, dowry harassment, and discrimination. By prioritising men’s grievances without acknowledging the systemic inequalities that women often endure, MARD’s platform could exacerbate existing gender disparities.

The party’s rejection of feminism and its portrayal of it as a destructive force could fuel anti-feminist sentiments and hinder progress toward gender justice. By misrepresenting feminism as an ideology aimed at destabilising families, MARD contributes to a divisive discourse that pits men against women rather than fostering collaboration and understanding.

Mera Adhikar Rashtriya Dal (MARD) presents a controversial but steadfast stance on men’s rights amidst a political climate focused on gender equality and women’s safety. 

Despite past electoral failures, MARD remains committed to its cause, advocating for policies it believes will address the grievances of men entangled in legal battles over domestic issues.

While MARD’s advocacy for men’s rights may stem from genuine concerns, its approach risks reinforcing conservative and harmful attitudes toward women. By perpetuating gender stereotypes, undermining women’s issues, and fueling anti-feminist sentiments, MARD’s rhetoric and policies have the potential to impede efforts aimed at achieving gender equality and social justice in society.

Feature image designed by Saudamini Seth

Image Sources: Google Images

Sources: Firstpost, NDTV, Money Control

Find the blogger: Katyayani Joshi

This post is tagged under: MARD, MANifesto, feminists, anti feminists, conservative, political party, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, Lok Sabha 2024, Lok Sabha Elections 2024, advocacy, men, dowry, cases

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