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HomeLifestyleAditi Oberoi Malhotra– The Indian American Who's Changing The Rules Of The...

Aditi Oberoi Malhotra– The Indian American Who’s Changing The Rules Of The Fashion World


A few years back, nobody could’ve anticipated the enormous growth of social media and its magnanimous impact on the lives of people all over the world. Blogging as a full time career sounded like an impossible task but now, we’ve entered an entirely different era where this thing is actually feasible. Telling your own story, sharing your experiences and getting famous sounded like a dream a decade ago but not anymore! When I sat down to talk to Indian-American fashion & beauty influencer Aditi Oberoi Malhotra who has over 1 million blog & social media followers and has worked with top brands like Givenchy, Dior, Lexus, etc., I got to know how interesting the blogging career can get! Here are the insights from the interview with Aditi Oberoi Malhotra which might get you all inspired to start a blog ASAP, but remember nothing comes without hard work.

I’m sure you know you’re the first Indian American influencer to work with luxury brands at this level. Has the magnitude of that fact hit you?

I don’t know if I see the magnitude of it as much as other people. I hear a lot of my followers tell me that it’s the first time it’s happened for an Indian person. I am happy that I am able to do that. A lot of my followers are proud for a person of color representing them in mainstream luxury fashion & beauty. No, but it’s true. For me, there was never going to be any other way. I was very clear about it. I wanted to do this and work with prestigious brands and this is my step forward in the direction to represent diversity for Indian Americans and people of color in general. I’m excited about it that I got the opportunities but I worked hard and long to get to this point.

How do you choose what brands to work with?

I make sure brands that I choose to work with align with what Fancy Correctitude stands for. Before promoting a brand or agreeing upon a campaign, I make sure to do my own research by looking at their products, social media accounts and past campaigns. Inclusivity is important in every field! I feel it’s very important for brands to work with a diverse group of people. It not only promotes good ethics but also establishes a better image of the brand throughout the world! I’ve turned down some campaigns in the past because I felt that they do not support inclusivity wholeheartedly.

Moreover, I love to work with brands that support women empowerment. It’s not just about accepting everything that comes my way to get paid but it’s more about whether or not the brand aligns with my values, ethics and what I stand for!

I love the fact that now brands big & small all over the world have started realizing the importance of inclusivity and have begun supporting diversity.

How do you see your diversity playing a role in your collaborations with brands today in America and around the world?

I really see this as a celebration of uniqueness. Not many Indian Americans were represented on American TV or Movies. Thankfully that has changed. I’m very happy to see a lot more of us like Priyanka Chopra, Mindy Kaling and Lilly Singh are doing some great work in the industry. I am trying to do the same since the past few years with Social media in America especially when it comes to fashion & beauty, there is not much representation when it comes to Indian Americans. Not limiting it to just Indians but people of color, shape, gender, body type and more, more representation is required and it’s happening. Not only this, I feel so good when people say that I inspire them! It’s a great feeling, trust me!

I love how she is a great example and sending out a powerful message of women empowerment and diversity. I am excited to see what Aditi Oberoi Malhotra (@fancycorrectitude)  does next!!

Instagram – @fancycorrectitude

Website – www.fancycorrectitude.com

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