HomeLifestyleRamjas Economics Society Presents Dicentium 2017- Economics Has Never Been This Fun

Ramjas Economics Society Presents Dicentium 2017- Economics Has Never Been This Fun



After successfully hosting several events and 14 impeccable annual winter conferences, The Ramjas Economics Society proudly presents its first annual departmental festival, Dicentium 2017.

A confluence of tons of hardwork and months of unflinching determination led to the realisation of this amazing dream. Dicentium strives to raise perceptions relating economics much above just numbers and graphs.

It assures you a truly unmatched and unparalleled experience with economics. Through unconventional structures, each and every event shall surely raise participants’ adrenaline levels.

While Investors’ wars shall be a roller coaster of three unbelievable rounds involving a bidding session in mini militia, mock stock and company auction, International trade promises you nail biting experiences and cut-throat competition, judging if you can monopolize and conquer.

Ramjas Economics Society

Economics Stakeholders’ Meet Simulation shall be one of its kind event, that will bring out the economist in the participants while Colloquium shall force one to think beyond the realms of facts and figures putting to test your advocacy and debating skills.

Dicentium also incorporates an online case study competition that shall examine if you can make surprising and quirky conclusions.

Dicentium promises to offer once in a lifetime experience that would be a wholesome one.

If you can invest a multitude of your energies, conquest with incomparable vigour and are witty enough, to harvest huge gains, Dicentium is undoubtedly made for you. Hoping for an extravagant 23rd February that should give some everlasting and overwhelming experiences

TRES awaits your enriching presence!       

Ramjas Economics Society

A galleria of stupendous prizes waiting for you!    

Register for all the events at:


Follow us at: www.facebook.com/ramjaseconsoc

DATE- 23rd February

VENUE- Ramjas College, University of Delhi

ED is proud to have been their blog partner.

Chirali Sharma
Chirali Sharma
Weird. Bookworm. Coffee lover. Fandom expert. Queen of procrastination and as all things go, I'll probably be late to my own funeral. Also, if you're looking for sugar-coated words of happiness and joy in here or my attitude, then stop right there. Raw, direct and brash I am.


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