Donald Trump: Serial Liar, Misogynist, Conman… President of the United States?


Donald Trump. I remember the first I had seen or heard of him was a decade ago on the sidelines of a WWE match. Orange haired and puffed up, I remember him looking like a cross between the Grinch and Freddy Flintstone. Ten years later he’s much of the same; Except the fact that he is one Umbridge away from becoming the President of the United States of America.

How did it come to that? No pollster, no psephologist, no crystal ball, no one seems to have the answer to that, let alone me or Donald Trump. In fact, I’m sure that if you would ask Trump the question, he would just go on one of his characteristic narcissistic rants. And yet, despite everyone’s imperfect understanding of Trump or his electorate, he has come a long way.

The Electoral Equation

A long way. But, is there light at the end of the tunnel? Unlikely but, very probable. As it stands, Clinton is leading Trump by an average of 4 – 8 points nationally ( The electoral equation here, however simplistic, can be summed up as thus,

Trump has a significant lead amongst male, white voters and moderate to orthodox Christians. Conversely, he has an almost fatal deficit with women, especially educated women and minorities.

On the other hand, Clinton leads in the same categories Trump lags in and vice versa. What is important to note however, is that Hillary’s lead with women and minorities is much more substantial that Trump’s with elder, white males; which is why she is leading nationally.

The Currency of Trust and Imperfection

Electoral terminology and stratagem aside however, this election has been about perhaps the most important currency in the world: Trust. Clinton and Trump are among the least trustworthy and imperfect candidates ever put forward by the United States for the Presidency.

Clinton still hasn’t moved on from the shadow of Benghazi, her work with Wall Street and the deleted E-mails, while Trump is just Trump making him the biggest obstacle to his own chance at Presidency.

And it was perhaps in the days leading up to the second Presidential debate, that we saw the worst of both candidates’ problems come to the fore.

WikiLeaks released more cables and mails detailing her ‘secret’ speeches to private bankers on Wall Street, an issue she has always skirted with hesitation. Fortunately, the timing of this release played into her hands.

When Washington Post broke an old NBC tape starring Trump, the shit literally hit the fan for him. Graphic, repulsive and shocking as it was, here was the candidate for US presidency bragging about having his way with women, bragging about sexual assault.

The Issue Called Trump

And yet, even after the news was everywhere on every airwave, no one seemed to be surprised by the said news. In fact, most of the reactions varied from ‘Oh, this is what people have come to expect from him’ to ‘That is bad, even by Trump’s standards.’

This was not the first-time Trump has been in the limelight for his treatment of women. In fact, his life, his entire career as con-selling businessman has involved allegations of abuse, as well as his very public and very sexist treatment of women like Megyn Kelly to Rosie O’Donnell.

That, and his very public outbursts and so-called plans for Muslims, Mexicans and minorities in his presidency has left him with few friends outside of his electoral demographic.

For someone who has been questioning Clinton (And unfortunately, her husband’s character) like a calling card, there is no question that Trump lacks the character, temperament or the decency and dignity to become president of the United States.

Trump is the cartoon of the year, the Grumpy Cat meme of the day, the ‘entertainment’ factor to a crazy election season. If his campaign right now is any indication, Clinton is on her way to become the United States’ first women President.

What About Crooked Hillary?

And sure, Hillary isn’t without her issues. She hasn’t faced questions relating to her propriety, her discretion and most importantly, trust well enough to make her a full proof candidate.

But, what she lacks in those areas, she makes up in quiet dignity (Even if her demeanor is very Umbridge) and her vast experience in policy making. In fact, she might even be the most qualified candidate for Presidency in the past thirty years.

Sure, her foreign policy isn’t blemish free but at least we won’t have a President who confuses policy with polemic, supports Assad and Putin because they are fighting ISIS in Allepo (Which they are not, FYI) and one who can’t do basic mathematics.

Why India and the World Should Care

But hey, why should India care about an election thousands of miles away, and election which is giving our own comically held elections a run for their money?

The simple reason is, we are in this world together. Accept it or not, the US is still a world superpower. The world we are today, is one which is easily affected by a ripple elsewhere.

Call it the effect of an open economy and globalisation, the Presidency of the United States affects every other country, even India.


As I noted before, current trends suggest Clinton will win this one. However, I was wrong when I predicted a year ago that Clinton would go unopposed (She was not. #FeelTheBern) and I was wrong when I suggested that Trump’s hot-air balloon will run out soon after the republican primaries began.

So, America prove me right for once. Don’t disappoint me, and the world. Do not elect a serial liar (He is a fact-checker’s wet dream), misogynist, groper, conman (You are if you’re not paying taxes, legal loopholes notwithstanding) and a vile human being as the President of the United States.


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