Summer Holiday Resolutions: Good to Make, Great to Break

summer holiday resolutions

Remember this feeling when that last bell of school before vacations rings?


During the holidays we call customary patterns of behavior “tradition”. And like any pattern, once established, they are not easily broken. We formed a list of 10 resolutions that you put on your to do list as soon as school or college is out, but keep on procrastinating it until the very end of summers.

Have a look at such 10 customary traditions of summer vacations:

Joining a Recreational Class: Be it dance, or learning to sing or play an instrument, or learning a sport. We just never seem to find enough time to do it, even if it’s the holidays.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         tumblr_lbnn124vs91qaypnjo1_500

Learning a Foreign Language: French, Spanish, Russian, Sanskrit, German… there are more languages in the world than I can ever count. No, we aren’t lazy; it’s just hard to choose one language when there is an abundance of them in this world. Ha-ha and you thought I was lazy!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           snoopy-learns-bks

Finishing Syllabus or Holiday Homework on Time: Ahh don’t you blame that one on me! Two months isn’t that long, okay? Honestly, why start on the first day when you anyways have to stay up all night on the last day of vacations.


Waking up early to exercise:

Oh, how we set our alarm clocks for 6 o’clock to wake up early and exercise or probably go out for a jog. But ALWAYS end up oversleeping and don’t wake up before 10 o’clock. Don’t worry we all do it. A Disclaimer: This content is not for early risers please refrain from reading it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                          anna_wake_up_by_doragoon-d79r3xh

Read More: Breakfast Babble: Summers Are Such A Pain

Learn How to Drive:

Summer comes and so does our plans of learning to drive. Shunned by our perpetual procrastination till the time we finally can’t take the metro anymore.                                                                                                                                          single-3

Not End Up Binge Watching Seasons Every Day:

Be it Modern Family, FRIENDS, GOT, HIMYM, Grey’s Anatomy, the good wife or Big Bang Theory. We just can’t curtail the urge to see them all one after another, hour after hour, day after day until it’s the very last day of the vacations. Oops!                                                                                                                                                                                 tumblr_niyf5duU9d1u0tuq7o1_500

Pursue a Hobby:

Don’t we just love dreaming and daydreaming and night dreaming about our plans to finally pursue that one hobby? And oh how high the success rate of that is.                                                                                                                                                                    tumblr_m32k9eduxZ1qj3v18o1_250

Planning and Following a Healthy Diet:

We aspire to become like our favorite icons and how our mom’s keep comparing us to Chadhaji’s son or Sharmaji’s daughter because all that binge eating of fast foods has turned me into something you might remember from your good old childhood days- humpty dumpty.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               26316

Learning a vocational course:

Mom doesn’t bake you cakes anymore? So what? Go and join a baking class and earn some brownie points. (See what I did there?)

And for those of you who already know how to bake, firstly send me a cake too, and secondly, do another course in coding, graphic designing, photography there’s plenty of options out there.                                                                                                                                                                                                   8af2

Not end up sleeping till 2 in the afternoon:

No matter how many alarms we put or where in the room or house we put it nothing can stop us from sleeping till 2. Yuss!                                                                                                                                                                            tumblr_inline_nftlgb6qbL1rkygkg

Wakey wakey! It’s time to take control and win the battle against procrastination. Because who are we? Wild Cats! Oh-oh probably right about the cats bit I tend to oversleep.

Tell us if we missed something. (Read: give us some tips to more fruitfully spend our vacations!)


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