The Entrepreneurship Cell of Rajdhani College, University of Delhi is back again with its annual mega event EXILR 2021 on 5th and 6th March 2021 which includes E-Summit and competitions.
The event is all about developing entrepreneurial related skills amongst the students.
A panel of some of the distinguished industry leaders, with Social Media stars, YouTube sensations, stand-up performances, and exciting competitions lined up for you all!
These panel members for E-SUMMIT are:
1. Dr. Krishnamurthy Subramanian (Chief Economic Adviser to the Government of India)
2. Mr. Saurabh Jain (Vice President of Paytm)
3. Mr. Anil Bhasin (ex-President of Havells India)
4. Ms. Aditi Gupta (Indian Author and Co-founder of Menstrupedia Comic)
5. Ms.Neha Nagar (CEO and Founder of Taxationhelp)
6. Host for the event, Digital Gandhi:- 18x TEDx speaker and the host of the event
7. Ms. Anika Vidyarthi (Singer and influencer)
8. Appurv Gupta aka GUPTA JI ( Standup comedian)
Platform:- Zoom meeting
Meeting link – https://zoom.us/j/96151521634?pwd=WHYxdjhKMlVERlViZkFoQjRkaUtrZz09
Meeting ID- 961 5152 1634
Meeting password- 551384
Catch them live to experience the incredible entrepreneurial extravaganza!
The online event will be two-fold:
5th March 2021- Day 1 will comprise of:-
- The national E-summit with a panel of 7-8 speakers from 11:30 am onwards.
2) An inter-college Case Study competition (The Great Getaway) from 5 pm onwards.
6th March 2021 – Day 2 will comprises of:-
1) An inter-college B-plan competition (The Perfect Pitch) at 12 pm.
2) Inter-college competition:- Brand-o-Buzz at 5 pm.
What are you waiting for?!
Go register yourself through the link:-
Prize money for the competitions is ₹5,00,000 including a cash prize of ₹15,000.
E- certificates will be given to all the participants.
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