What Is Mobile SEO and How Can It Impact Your SEO Toronto Efforts?


SEO practitioners (who can also be referred to as Webmasters) are always looking for opportunities to help a company or organization’s website climb search results rankings or maintain its already strong position in rankings.

There are so many things these people can do to boost a company’s SEO Toronto efforts. But the most important consideration for any SEO expert is something that not every business or organization thinks about.

That important consideration is mobile SEO.

This basically refers to everything you do to ensure that web browsers (ie. Google) like the mobile version of your website. Now saying ‘like’ doesn’t really capture the flavour of what it means for browsers to like a website. What I mean by this is things like a website’s content, layout, navigation, load times, and adaptability to different screen sizes are all up to Google’s quality standards for mobile websites that provide a positive user experience.

At this point, you may be wondering, “If the desktop version of my website is really strong, then why do I have to worry so much about the mobile version?” Well, mobile SEO is important because of Google’s mobile-first indexing. This means that Google will look at a website’s mobile version to determine where it should rank in its search results.

This was something that Google was testing for a few years on a portion of websites indexed by Google; but as of September 2020, Google started indexing the mobile version for all websites. This is why mobile SEO is so important for all company websites.

In case you are wondering, yes this means that if Google does not like the mobile version of your website, then your site can drop in search result rankings.

If you are looking for SEO Toronto companies, you’ll want to make sure that their SEO services include robust mobile tactics and strategies. If they can’t tell you the specific ways they can optimize for Google’s mobile-first indexing, then you’ll probably want to keep shopping around for other SEO services.

But before you start shopping around, you’ll need to know what you need to expect from an SEO Toronto agency working on your mobile website. I alluded to some of these above, but here are improvements you should look for:

–        A mobile site with responsive design

–        A mobile site that does not use Adobe Flash Player

–        Proper spacing between clickable elements

–        Having a clickable phone number that is always visible

–        Fast load times for your mobile website

–        Ensuring that any CSS or JavaScript is being blocked

If your business or organization hasn’t taken the time to optimize your site for mobile SEO, then now is the time to start the process. By designing a strong mobile website, you can put your website in a good position to perform well in relevant Google searches.

(Syndicated press content is neither written, edited or endorsed by ED Times)

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