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HomeEntertainment7 Mistakes You Just Cannot Make In A Relationship

7 Mistakes You Just Cannot Make In A Relationship


So you have gotten past the initial dating stage and are now in a “relationship.”Well, relationships come with their own advantages and disadvantages.

The one particular thing that every couple should remember is that love is not about finding the right person, it is actually about working with this person to create the right relationship for both of you.

Learn from these blunders and do not fall into these common relationship mistakes:

1. Losing the romance in the relationship is one of the key reasons why relationships fail

Romance is necessary . The truth is, relationships are work. Not that you won’t have fun along the way, but you need to remember it takes a focused effort to be romantic with your partner. Fill your relationship with a lot of romance.

2. Not taking time for yourself and being too co-dependent

Never lose yourself as an individual. Things like going to the market on your own will be tough and you will find yourself consulting to that person for every small decision which  you will  make. Take some time to do what you love to do in your life. Have your own hobbies, interests and friends. You will both benefit from this and have a richer life as a result.


3. Forgetting to appreciate your partner

Never ever forget to tell your significant other that you love them. In the beginning, you said you loved each other all the time.Well, its time to bring it back. This will help in bringing back the chemistry between two individuals. Trust me,tell your significant other right now what you feel about them!


4. Keeping secrets from your loved one

I will advice you not to keep any major secrets from your partner. Not that you have to tell the other person every minute detail about your life, but because you should not intentionally keep something important from them. It will come out someday and sooner is always better than later.


5. Not talking about money

Money is always a controversial subject. At times, there are a certain disagreements in a relationship about money matters. If you are in a serious relationship, even if you have separate money, be sure to discuss these things as money issues are guaranteed to come up eventually.


6. Trying to change the other person

In relationships, we need to realize we are unique individuals.  Take a step back and always remember why you fell in love with this person. We need to respect thoughts and views of our partner in a relationship. A free advice: Dont be selfish in a relationship.


7. Fighting about everything

Its all about sorting out problems. Think about all of the problems you have with your partner and really consider whether these are deal breakers or if you can build a bridge and get over them.


Now that you have been warned about these common relationship mistakes, you have a much better chance of surviving as a couple!



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