An account removal from an online platform is not the most unheard of thing, while stressful for the person itself surely, but not extremely unusual.

However, Kairan Quazi, the 14-year-old prodigy, who made news after he earned a bachelor’s degree from an American university at this ripe age and then secured a job at SpaceX was quite angry with his LinkedIn account being removed.

But what happened, and why did LinkedIn remove his account?

14-Year-Old SpaceX Engineer’s LinkedIn Account

Earlier this week, Kairan Quazi posted on his LinkedIn account that he’d been selected as a Software Engineer at Elon Musk’s SpaceX, specifically Starlink.

Quazi had previously made headlines when he graduated from Santa Clara University in California, U.S. with a bachelor’s degree and then quickly got hired in the Starlink team at SpaceX with his viral LinkedIn post earlier in the week.

In a long post on LinkedIn, he wrote

“I guess this will be my LinkedIn “I’m excited to announce…” post! I am graduating from Santa Clara University’s School of Engineering where I learned that “engineering with a mission” is not a gimmicky tagline. Where a culture of rigor, collaboration, accountability, and impact deeply resonated with the needs of a radically accelerated learner.

Next stop: SpaceX! I will be joining the coolest company on the planet as a Software Engineer on the Starlink engineering team. One of the rare companies that did not use my age as an arbitrary and outdated proxy for maturity and ability.

My early access to transformational leadership began as a 9-year-old. First, when the administrators of a local community college Las Positas College enrolled a third-grade graduate with no prior acceleration into a fulltime mathematics A.S. degree program.”

Read More: Breakfast Babble: How I Found Peace After I Stopped Opening LinkedIn

LinkedIn Removing Account

But, soon after his post went viral on the platform, LinkedIn realised that Quazi was not yet meeting the minimum age rule of the site and restricted his account.

LinkedIn requires its users to be at least 16 years old to be able to make an account and as per reports felt that Quazi was too young to be seeking jobs through it.

However, on Tuesday, Quazi made an Instagram post calling out LinkedIn for this action where he wrote “@/linkedin just sent me this notice that they are deleting my account because I’m not 16. This is the illogical, primitive nonsense that I face constantly.

I can be qualified enough to land one of the most coveted engineering jobs in the world but not qualified enough to have access to a professional social media platform?

@/LinkedIn showing everyone how regressive some tech company policies are. Can people please share this screenshot on their LinkedIn for me and ask people to connect with me on Instagram?”

He attached a screenshot of the notice from LinkedIn that informed him they were removing his account due to his age not yet being 16 years old. Instagram’s minimum age to make an account on the other hand is 13 years.

While some sympathised with Quazi writing “Make a fortune and buy LinkedIn and show them how to run it properly”, there were also some who agreed with LinkedIn.

One user on Instagram commented “tbh. It’s the rules, if they bend it for you they have to bend it for everyone. It’s like with Instagram. we cannot bend and allow children because it could endanger them”.

Image Credits: Google Images

Feature Image designed by Saudamini Seth

Sources: The Indian Express, India Today, Livemint

Find the blogger: @chirali_08

This post is tagged under: SpaceX Engineer LinkedIn Account, SpaceX engineer, SpaceX engineer 14 year old, SpaceX engineer Kairan Quazi, Kairan Quazi, Kairan Quazi linkedin, linkedin, linkedin account

Disclaimer: We do not hold any right, copyright over any of the images used, these have been taken from Google. In case of credits or removal, the owner may kindly mail us.

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