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HomeAutomobiles10 Safety Rules to Follow While Driving

10 Safety Rules to Follow While Driving


With the increase in accidents and the rise in death rates due to negligent driving, it’s important to always put safety first while driving. It’s also very important for every car owner to get a comprehensive car insurance.

Here is a list of 10 important rules for safe driving that you should follow every time you sit in front of the wheel.

Never Drink and Drive

This is the key rule whenever you drive. Drinking and driving is the main cause of deaths today. Too much alcohol can cause loss of consciousness and blurred vision. Drunk driving is a crime and anyone who is caught drunk while driving will have to pay a heavy fine and might land up in jail too.

Always Wear a Seat Belt

This is second important point while driving. Wearing a seat belt while driving can save your life. It can prevent you from being thrown from your seat and crashing into the windscreen. Wearing a seat belt can reduce the risk of injury by at least 45% to 50%.

Keep a Safe Distance

Better safe than sorry! It’s always advisable for a driver to maintain safe distance while driving. This is necessary because if a driver of another vehicle suddenly makes a stop or turn, you have enough of time to handle the situation well.

Always Avoid Distractions

Avoid using your mobile phone or eating food etc. while driving. Any kind of distraction is dangerous for yourself and others too. Driving should always have your full attention, so keep away from things that could distract you.

Never Break Traffic Rules

This is another common cause of most accidents. A driver should always be safe and act responsibly by following all the traffic rules.

Take a Break 

If you notice at any time while driving that you are sleepy or drowsy, it’s advisable to take a break and allow another person to take over or simply stop and rest for a while.

Be Alert

Be alert at all times. In most scenarios, you could be driving safely and following all the rules, but it happens that someone else is careless and crashes right into you. So keep an eye on the road, check mirrors and side streets whenever you drive.

Be More Careful in Poor Driving Conditions

While driving in bad weather and poor driving conditions, you should be more careful. Drive slowly, maintain good distance and keep a check on the road.

Car Insurance Policy

You never know when you could meet with an accident, so always get a car insurance policy put in place. When applying for car insurance online or offline, you could opt for a 3rd party car insurance that covers you well.

Maintain Your Vehicle Regularly maintain your vehicle, so you do not encounter things like tire pressure, break failure while you drive.

Be safe and follow these simple tips whenever you hit the road.

Image credits: Google

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Chirali Sharma
Chirali Sharma
Weird. Bookworm. Coffee lover. Fandom expert. Queen of procrastination and as all things go, I'll probably be late to my own funeral. Also, if you're looking for sugar-coated words of happiness and joy in here or my attitude, then stop right there. Raw, direct and brash I am.


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