Winter Trends 2013: Make your winters hot!


With winter approaching and New York Fashion Week already underway, ED brings you a list of fun fashion stuff you can try this winter to make it HOT!

1. Shoulder Robe your Jackets!
Its soon going to be time to take your coats and jackets out of your closet! (Finally!). However, instead of wearing them like you usually do, try shoulder robing this time. Just throw the jacket over your shoulders, but without putting your arms in the sleeves (in a way that the jacket still retains structure, but the sleeves are dangling on the side). And don’t worry, it doesn’t fall off, I tried it myself. (Totally left me feeling like a living , breathing page from Vogue! So awesome!). One cheat tip though: Try this with jacket that’s one size larger than your own. It minimizes the chances of the jacket falling.)

So go ahead and try this out if you want to feel super-duper chic, and when you get second glances, thank Anna Wintour for inventing this trend.

2. Dark Make up
Pretty girls in pop colours are so passé. This winter is going to be all about dark, brooding mystery! So lock away your coral and fuchsia lip stains. Instead pump up the eye liner and the vamp lip. Try graphic eyes in navy or black eye liner. The cheat tip here is that it is perfectly okay to go a wee bit over board with the liner and kohl, cause what the hell, it’s winter, it’s not like the liner will come flowing down your cheeks!

3. Clutch your Bag
No matter what the size of your bag is, carrying it like a clutch is the trend of the moment. It ruled runways of shows like Chanel, and has been spotted on many celebs too!
Cheat tip: Try this trend on days when you are not carrying your world in your bag, unless you want sore shoulders by the end of the day.

shoulder robing


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