Thursday, March 27, 2025
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Trash It Trend It


There is always some good to some bad… So here are a few things we loved this week and few we wanted to shove.

If you think we missed something, do tell us in the comments!

Trend It

Shashi Tharoor’s address at Oxford. 

Dr Shashi Tharoor MP - Britain Does Owe Reparations

Bruno Mars handling the VMAs drama. And the way Ed Sheeran takes his case!

Disney Pixar’s ‘The Good Dinosaur’ Promo

The Good Dinosaur - Official US Trailer

Trash It

Crappy ‘reality’ shows all over TV. Not one good show to watch. Is this how one should spend their Sunday?

That Mango season is officially over.

And the flu season begins.


Navni Bhatia
Navni Bhatia
Navni Bhatia, protector of the realm of all things quirky, has a fetish for cute stationary and is annoyingly similar to Monica Geller.


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