TiksPac is offering a smart solution to clean up local mess and prevent littering. Free trash bags are provided for all citizens, giving a more convenient way of disposing of trash.
Littering has become a major problem across many municipalities in many countries. Far too frequently, streets and public areas are full of rubbish that residents leave on the floor. One Swedish company, TiksPac, is making it a personal mission to solve this crisis. The solution? Free trash bags for all residents within the municipality.
Strategically placed recycling stations
TiksPac has identified that most rubbish is created because there’s a significant lack of bins in public places. People find it too inconvenient to hold onto their litter and dispose of it when they get home. As a result, it’s common to leave it on the floor or in places where it shouldn’t be.
This new idea from TiksPac will see recycling stations with free trash bags strategically placed in many public places. This includes walking paths, parks, recreational areas, and any other parts of the municipality that are frequently visited. The logic behind this move is that it provides more convenience for the local people. When a family is enjoying a picnic in a park, they can grab a free trash bag and deposit all of their rubbish. The same goes for anyone that’s walking by one of the many recycling stations.
Bringing citizens & businesses together for a cleaner tomorrow
The entire movement has a clear goal: to create a cleaner tomorrow for different towns and cities. To do this, TiksPac realizes the importance of bringing communities together. The company understands that, while it supplies the trash bags and recycling points, it’s the citizens that come together to make the area a cleaner place. The free trash bags simply make things easier for residents, eliminating excuses and ensuring people come together to fight towards a common goal.
This is further amplified by getting local businesses on board. All of the trash bags and recycling points are funded by local businesses from the community. Companies can buy exposure at the recycling stations, as a form of marketing their brands – while also demonstrating corporate social responsibility. Effectively, it’s a win-win for everyone involved: businesses enjoy additional exposure, while the residents get easy access to recycling materials, allowing the municipality to become cleaner.
TiksPac is working closely with municipalities throughout all of this. The municipality is responsible for placing all the recycling stations and making trash bags available. It’s a groundbreaking idea that tackles the ongoing problem of public littering, creating the possibility for a cleaner future.
About TiksPac
TiksPac is a Swedish company with a vision of keeping the country clean. It produces a range of recycling and waste removal products – from trash bags to dog poop bags and everything in between. The company is committed to fighting for a cleaner tomorrow, creating tools and movements that empower local citizens to help prevent waste and remove rubbish from the streets.
For more information, check out the website here: https://www.tikspac.com/en/.
Press enquiries should be addressed to Dejan Shabacker on:
Email: dejan.shabacker@tikspac.com
Telephone: +46(0)733-406643
Direct Mail: Kanslistvägen 12 B 311 39 Falkenberg Sweden
(Syndicated press content is neither written, edited or endorsed by ED Times)
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