Why Modi ?



The upcoming general elections are going to be the toughest that will be contested in the last 65 years of our independence as a republic. No stone is being left unturned by any political entity to steal the show this time. The best part is that every single citizen in keenly interested in whats going to happen over the few months. The three extremely famous contenders are obviously Narendra Modi, who has apparently become more famous than a lot of celebrities; Rahul Gandhi, who is trying his best to prove that he is not an immature politician and at last the man who doesn’t know the meaning of the word “bribe”, Arvind Kejriwal.


Let’s talk about Modi for now. Do you think he should become the 14th Prime Minister of the biggest democracy in the world? Do you think he is worthy of leading 1.23 billion people? I think he very much is. We’re not talking about an amateur here. We’re talking about a 63 year old man who has been governing one of the most developed states in the country since the last 4528 days. He is well known to be a strong administrator and a workaholic. Workaholic because he’s been working hard for the Bhartiya Janata Party since the last 29 years and for Gujarat since 2001.


Modi promises to bring  a change in the system. It looks like if given a chance, he will. He is focused on tapping the energy of the Indian youth. He will develop the infrastructure of the Indian Economy by bringing in new projects of national and international scale, which will benefit a large number of people providing them with jobs ultimately pushing the nation forward. He has done so in Gujarat and he will repeat it on national level. The following image will give you a clearer picture of the development happened in Gujarat in comparison to the UPA led India.


Another important reason why Narendra Modi should be the next Prime Minister of India is that it is high time we are seen as a strong nation and not the one that can be taken for granted. I don’t want the Prime Minister to just tweet and release a statement that he is sorry when Indian Army soldiers are beheaded and videotaped by our notorious neighbor. And not just to Pakistan, but Modi becoming the PM will send a very strong message to our eastern neighbor also. A message that we will not be taken for granted, that you cannot just come and set up camp in Arunachal Pradesh and call it yours, that you cannot fund terrorism in India anymore.

Think about it. Would you vote a man who has been trusted by the people to run as Chief Minister for the fourth time and has the most experience or you would vote a man who was given the office of Chief Minister of Delhi but succumbed to the pressure and gave up in just 49 days? No one will vote for Rahul Gandhi so lets not even go there. Think about it because you are going to help build India’s history over the next two months. Make the right decision.


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