HomeLifestylePicture Story: Deal With The Extra-Ordinary Autistic Child

Picture Story: Deal With The Extra-Ordinary Autistic Child


Autism : A mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by great difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts.

That’s the basic definition of the so-called mental illness.

Now imagine not being able to talk to your friends on a daily basis, considering the fact that you might not have any friends to start with. And here we don’t seem to be able to handle not talking to our *boy/girlfriends* for days. Hours, for some.

Imagine thinking about so many things around you but not being able to express your thoughts, how suffocating would that be, especially when you’re as brilliant as autistic kids are.

Picture by Timothy Archibald from his series Echolilia
Picture by Timothy Archibald from his series Echolilia


Imagine trying to decipher some symbol you noticed while walking, as simple as it gets, and not being able to do so for days at a stretch. Nothing could be more frustrating.

The definition doesn’t look that basic now, does it?

Since we’re more into dealing with solutions rather than defining problems here, here are some ways to help autistic kids, and shy people in general, around you.

1. Encourage eye contact.

As old Ruskin says, it’s in the eyes.

Picture from lifehack.org
Picture from lifehack.org

2. Talk softly.

Irrespective, ‘I Am Listening’ is what every autistic child wants you to Know.
Shouting doesn’t help much in any case.

Picture from cognoscenti.wbur.org
Picture from cognoscenti.wbur.org

3. Calm yourself first.

Walking away, shouting back, cursing and demeaning in general would only worsen any situation.

Picture from iphonephotographyschool.com
Picture from iphonephotographyschool.com

4. Simplify.

Life was way simpler before people kissed using their mouths and not emojis.
You’ve ruined it, whatsapp.

Picture designed by Tom Elliott
Picture designed by Tom Elliott

5. Read people.

Don’t wait to answer back. Read people, learn what they’re trying to tell through actions.
Someone might be breathing ‘love you’ while walking away.

Picture from drprem.com
Picture from drprem.com

6. Interact.

And not only virtually. This one includes actual, real-time speaking and listening.

Picture from Google
Picture from Google

Last of these, learn to love people for the sake of love, and not with the purpose of gaining anything else in return. People are beautiful anyways, they’ll look prettier once we learn to love without adding the filters of physical and mental conditions.

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