HomeEntertainment7 Indian TED Talks You Must Watch In Order To Know India...

7 Indian TED Talks You Must Watch In Order To Know India Better


Ted talks has featured some of the most influential speakers across the planet. Most of the people who browse YouTube in order to see a motivational video end up watching a TEDx video.


ED brings you a list of Ted Talks which will change your perception of India.

Here are some must watch speeches:

  1. Anand Kumar. Superman of the Super 30

The man behind the philanthropic coaching classes for IIT-JEE reading out his struggle in front of everyone. You know your country is progressing when a Bihar based person is called upon to deliver a speech on an international platform. People like him is why there is still hope for poorest of the poor.

  1. Shashi Tharoor’s “Well educated mind vs a well formed mind”

With his thick attractive accent Shashi Tharoor fascinated the audience by speaking on the opportunity the youth in our country is lacking due to our current education system. He is one of those politicians who are well read and aptly expressive and makes you feel good about politics.

  1. Ishita Katyal. The youngest TEDx speaker

This video will make you question your level of maturity. She is 10 years old from Pune and is the youngest girl to speak at a Tedx talk. Also an author, she explains a different aspect of life which we, adults, fail to understand.

  1. Shilpa Singh. Ex-Miss India

It requires guts to go on stage and talk about the failure that changed your life. She talked about the Miss India title just like any regular phase of life. Won Miss India title? Ok, move on.

  1. The Ugly Indian. Cleanliness behind the mask

Why is India so filthy? Is it a state of mind of mind? Or is it arrogance? The owner of the famous Facebook page “The Ugly Indian” shares his views from behind the mask and outlines the contribution made by him and others in making India Swachha.

  1. Deepika Bhardwaj. Feminism not her cup of tea

When the entire country is worrying about feminism then who will look towards men? This lady depicts how women are using female favoured laws in order to get unjust benefits from men. This is a wake-up call for all feminists.

  1. Anurag Kashyap. Black days

Watch Anurag Kashyap talking about how life gave him lemons from time to time and at last somehow he managed to make lemonade out of it. The struggle behind the release of Black Friday will teach you how unjust Bollywood (or politics) is and how brave Anurag Kashyap is.

A heavy dose of inspiration for today.

May the motivation be with you.

Prateek Gupta
Prateek Gupta
Law student who cares and writes.



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