India overtakes US for most users on Facebook.
India overtakes US for most users on Facebook. Photo by William Iven

The latest numbers are in and they indicate that India has the largest number of active users on Facebook than any other country.

The data was compiled from HootSuite and it appears that India, with its 241 million active Facebook users, has taken over United States.

India reportedly overtook United States for having the most active monthly users on Facebook
India reportedly overtook United States for having the most active monthly users on Facebook

It’s interesting to see that this information came out shortly after Facebook’s recent milestone – marking 2 billion active monthly users.

India obviously presents an enormous opportunity for the social networking giant. As internet access in India becomes more accessible than ever before, it is clear that Facebook is working hard to capitalize the boost.

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What’s more, The Next Web reports a 27% increase in active users during the last 6 months. A whopping 15% more than the United States.

Most the audience seems to be millennials – more than half of the country’s total users are below the age of 25. Interestingly, 84% users access Facebook via mobile.

Big Surprise

What is surprising to me is that most of the active users are predominantly males. Men still account for three-quarters of the active Facebook profiles, as reported by the folks over at The Next Web.

What Does it Mean for You?

Well not much, besides maybe getting even creepier random friend requests and getting tagged in more “hilarious” pictures. No, I don’t find Minions cute – they are annoying little yellow bastards and nothing more.

On a serious note, this trend represents a big opportunity for businesses to reach out to new consumers and perhaps even penetrate an overlooked market. The Digital India project might accelerate the whole thing entirely.

This also means that it might be easier to gain traction on the revered platform for causes that are close to your heart.

Also, more memes ya’ll. Think about the new generation memes about to be unleashed!

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