It’s an inborn trait of every human being to seek validation. And for that, what’s a better place than social media, right? But sadly, Instagram doesn’t get it.

It seems that the Instagram algorithm is hell-bent on making sure you don’t gain enough followers, which means – fewer likes and comments.

So, here are a few ideas which you can use to beat the annoying Instagram algorithm and gain followers, which in turn will increase your audience engagement. In simple terms – more likes, comments, new friends, and obviously, more sliding into DMs *wink*.

1. Understanding Instagram algorithm

Just don’t even try.

As paradoxical it may sound, Instagram pretty much changes its algorithm or how it will function every few months. So, if you plan on using the loopholes to get a quick boost, your bright ideas will stop working after a few months.

Yup, Instagram hates us.

Instagram trying to explain its algorithm in its own way. To sum up, as of 2019, your post reaches only 7% of your followers initially

As an alternative, you can try more straightforward methods, which will work way better in the long run. Keep reading.

2. Consistency

It’s important to post pictures consistently. If not every day, at least at regular intervals so that Instagram AI or algorithm doesn’t consider your profile to be idle.

If you have a business account- before you post, check your profile insights. 

Profile insights pretty much give you an idea at what time your followers are active, which region prefers your content more than the others, what your audience prefers, and so on. Check that data, and post accordingly.

Your profile insights show how your audience reacts to your posts along with other essential data

3. Make a proper aesthetic profile with engaging content

Since it’s a photo and video-sharing social networking site, your profile must have quality content to keep your audience engaged.

4. Remove inactive followers

While this step may sound unorthodox, but it does make sense if you understand how Instagram works. Its algorithm dictates that when you post, your post comes up in only 10% of your followers’ feed. So, if your followers are mostly inactive, your post will come-up on those inactive account’s feeds, lowering your post engagements.

Even though your follower count will go down after the initial removal of inactive followers, ghost followers, and bots, it will make sure your profile has a natural growth.

Note: There are apps available for this purpose that are mostly ineffective. It’s better if you do it yourself.

5. Buying followers

If you followed point 4, your profile’s follower count must have taken a drastic hit. As tempting as it may sound now, DO NOT BUY followers.

Ads like this may sound enticing. Try not to fall for them as it may hurt your Instagram profile’s growth in the long run

Yeah, some companies offer you the chance to increase likes and followers by buying them. Well, the likes and the follow requests they sell are mostly from ghost accounts and bots, which means you end up with point 4, again.

ALSO READ: How To Make Your Instagram Page Look Like A Professional’s Portfolio In 9 Days

6. Relevant hashtags

Your post must have relevant hashtags so that the picture gets assigned to related keywords. Instagram allows you to use 30 hashtags per post, and if you want to add more, you can do so in the comments.

Do your basic research and make a list of your common ones.

When you use a hashtag, see how popular it is and compare it to the ones related to it. Choose accordingly

Also, don’t stress too much on the ‘relevant’ part. It’s essential that you tag your post under popular hashtags so that it gets seen by a larger audience. Like initially, in spite of the spelling error, #SynderCut became more popular than #SnyderCut.

7. Follow for follow

Using #followforfollow might help you increase your follower count, but it increases your following count as well. Also, the followers you gain won’t be interested in the content you create, so no growth.

Hence, eh, dumb move.

Posts and hashtags like these are quite popular. It doesn’t really serve its purpose and also makes your caption look untidy

8. Increase engagement

Make sure that your posts have exciting captions. It’s what mostly makes your audience comment on your posts, which in turn increases post engagement.

Well, Instagram shows your posts to only a few followers, but how do you reach the rest, right? For that, you have to show Instagram that your content is engaging; by making sure you get likes and comments in the first few hours of your post.

How to get that? It’s easy – form a group of 4-5 friends. When you post, ask them to like and comment on your post. Try to engage in conversations in the comment sections, because after all, it’s a SOCIAL media site. Also, do the same on your friend’s picture as well and help each other to grow.

9. Increase profile activity

Like I said, help each other grow. Like and Comment on other’s posts as well. Follow profiles that post pictures of your interests. In short, keep your profile active. Be social on social media.

Instagram Activity Log shows you how much time did you spend on Instagram

10. Story posts

If your post’s reach isn’t enough and your followers are missing out on your posts, you can always share a glimpse of your picture on the story with one or two relevant hashtags to draw your audience to your actual profile’s post.

Posting engaging stories that are related to your content can help you pull your audience to your profile

Now, take your time and try out these ideas. This will surely help you with your Instagram profile’s growth. Thank me later.

Image Credits: Google Images, Instagram

Sources: Instagram, YouTube, Twitter

Find The Blogger: @AyushArcher05

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  1. Great Tips. Content is a more important thing when it comes to increasing followers. People today appreciate vivid colors and clear photos, and Instagram is all about the visuals. Give your followers something to talk about. if your content is great, the followers are going to like, share, and comment on your posts.

    Social media is one of the strongest platforms in this world and it is the only solution that will definitely provide your online business a great chance to boost efficiency. Make sure to share the profile in relevant niche groups to get the right response from people living around the world.

    Working with others can be a great way to get your brand and account in front of another audience that could be interested in following you. Before you get started working with another brand, make sure your goals align and that you have the same type of Instagram followers.

    Embed the content in Q&A sites, hosting giveaways or reaching out to different bloggers and convincing them to include your content on their pages are some other strategies that can be used to increase Instagram followers and likes.

    Buying followers help in increasing a brand’s awareness. You can consider this a short time strategy. It is useful if you are new on Instagram and want to give a quick head start to your IG page or account. I buy from ( They supply real Instagram followers and provide excellent customer support, and there’s also a money-back guarantee. So, I would highly recommend buying Instagram followers from them.

    I have found this post engaging and informative. I have certainly learned a thing or two. I would definitely recommend others to try out these tips.


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