Making the search for addresses easier, Google India has silently launched a few useful updates including “voice navigation” in 6 Indian languages. You can now navigate to the most unheard of places by installing the update for “Plus Codes” from the Google Play Store.
For instance, you have to reach your friend’s place but the house number will certainly not show up on the map. The solution here is that your friend will add the plus code to their exact location and will be able to share it with you. You can now navigate to the code added by them.
In addition to that, as you search for a restaurant, Google Maps will let you know the average wait time for iPhone users.
This is done with the help of a graph that shows how busy a restaurant is through the day. This could help you make reservations and also to go ahead with instant dinner-out plans! This feature is available in Delhi.
This indeed takes us closer to the global village we aspire the world to be. Google maps has taken the phrase “Duniya badi choti hai” to a whole new level!
Related: Watch: Google Lens Is Now Available On Android Phones, Should We Be Scared?
Image Credits: Google Images
Sources: The Verge, Economic Times, The Sun + more
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